Pick your targets
Choose the sites you want to put your energy into and then go gangbusters on them. Don’t spread yourself thin across five or ten media sites duplicating your updates. Apart from boring people, your output will start to seem automated and spam-like, which is the very last thing you want. You are better off focussing on sites with large click-through rates where people spend most of their time. These sites are Facebook and Twitter mostly. There are one billion users on these two sites combined, a volume that is impossible to ignore.
Use images, photography and video. These are attractive, people are more likely to click on images. Photographs stand out a lot in streams of text. If you are in an industry that relies on the sale of objects or pop culture, you already know how important it is to show images. Showing pictures of your team working is a great way to humanise your team and make them seem friendly and approachable. Needless to say, you should make your photographs attractive and your videos of a high production value. Use a social media expert like Optimising to find out the best use of your media.
Be regular and active
If you leave your media dormant, you may as well not have it. It will look like there is no one in your company, and nothing is happening there, which is not want you want. Your social media should portray you as vibrant, energetic, engaged, approachable. It should also say something about your image and tastes as a group, and engage with related organisations. The reverse risk of this is posting too often and exhausting your followers’ attention, which can result in being rejected by your followers.
Quality in content and website
Your home base on the internet is your website. Make sure you lead back to it regularly with your social media. Think about the place where you make your conversions, and direct traffic there. Your social media should be a place you arouse interest through engaging updates, which then links back to your centre. So, both your site and your media have to be of a high quality, even if their qualities are different.
Make it easy to use
User friendliness might seem obvious but it is neglected. You wouldn’t put a maze in front of your shop to make it difficult for people to get to. No one is going to spend time trying to figure out how to navigate your site. If you make it difficult to pay, people will abandon before they are finished, reducing your conversions. Make your social media clear and easy to use. Follow the rule of three clicks. Users should be able to get from your feed, to your site to your conversion space in three clicks.
Make it look good
Again, this might seem like an obvious tip, but it can’t be underestimated. People really will flock to an attractively designed site, and while you might be working within an existing platform on social media, you still have curatorial control over the way it looks. For the most part this is determined by the images and logos you share on your page, together they will create a distinctive ‘look’. This ‘look’ should be easily recognisable, so people can recognise your media from the corner of their eye.
Six Ways to Build an Effective Social Media Presence