We’ve all come across a Facebook post or a tweet that went horribly wrong. Maybe someone posted a picture of themselves in an inappropriate manner. Maybe someone used it to mouth off or share their insensitive opinion to a very sensitive topic.
Celebrities are no different. Many celebrities out there have social media accounts, whether on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and even YouTube, and some of them have used these networks in a very inappropriate way, earning them backlash from plenty of fans.
Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher has been a Twitter fanatic even before the social network became wildly popular. But Mr. Kutcher became the center of Twitter backlash when he went on to Twitter to express his disgust with Penn State’s firing of Joe Paterno. Kutcher then went back on to Twitter to let his fans know that he didn’t know the whole story when he posted the initial tweet, and he recanted his statement. After that, he posted an apology to his fans and placed his Twitter account in the hands of his management company.
Anthony Weiner
Anthony Weiner met a lady on Twitter and decided to send her a picture of his manly business. When the woman came forward, Weiner denied that it was him and claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked. After that, more women came forward claiming that Weiner also sent them naked pictures of himself. He eventually admitted his wrongdoings and resigned from his position as a US Representative.
Al Roker
Al Roker got called in for jury duty, and while there, decided to use his phone to take pictures of other potential jurors. Not only is this alone against courtroom policy, but Mr. Roker then turned to Twitter and posted the pictures for all to see. Roker went onto Twitter again to claim that he was not taking pictures in the courtroom, he was taking them in the lounge in order to share the experience with his fans.
Gilbert Gottfried
Gilbert Gottfried has been known for his quirky behavior, but sometimes thing are just simply not appropriate. After the tsunami in Japan, Gottfried went onto Twitter joking about the incident. Along with backlash from many of his followers and other Twitter users, Gottfried also lost his contract with Aflac.
Perez Hilton
Perez Hilton is always under fire for something, but in 2010, he really received backlash when he posted a picture of Miley Cyrus to Twitter. The problem? The picture shows Miley Cyrus climbing out of a convertible, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Not only was the picture removed from the site, but Perez was also threatened with being slapped with child pornography citations, as Miley was under 18 at the time the photos were taken. In true Perez Hilton fashion, he did not apologize for his actions, and even claimed that he would “do it again”.
Chris Brown
It seems as if Chris Brown is constantly getting himself into some kind of trouble, and he’s even doing so on Twitter. After visiting a Walmart in Connecticut and not seeing his album, Brown took to Twitter to complain about it. He wrote multiple tweets sharing his disdain for the company. Turns out, he didn’t see his album on the shelves because it had sold out. Foot in mouth.
This article about celebrities’ poor behavior on social media was prepared for you by Julie Myers on behalf of SEOMap – a group specializing in SEO keyword research.
Celebrities Behaving Bad On Social Media