Many times we find that our asphalt driveway is in a particularly rough shape and some repair works could do trick. So what should we do? Should we resurface it or rip the damaged part and redone it from scratch? Although regular maintenance is a good preventive measure, it is still not a foolproof method. Our asphalt driveway won’t remain black and smooth forever.
We should take proper steps to maintain, seal and protect it. Heat and sunlight could degrade asphalt layers. Grease, gasoline, oil and rainwater could also degrade it. Water will eventually find its way and ruin our asphalt driveway.
Asphalt pavement is generally brittle and hard; so cracks are inevitable. It could start from hairline to a couple of centimetres wide. During the winter, the freeze-thaw cycle could be particularly destructive and may wreak havoc on our driveway. In warmer climate, heat could expand the asphalt, causing indentation when heavy objects, like a large SUV drive over it. In any case, we should regularly check our driveway for cracks and fix them immediately. Unrepaired cracks could lead to immense deterioration. In more serious cases, complete replacement could be needed.
Our repair methods could depend on the condition of the driveway. In general cracking that covers half of the driveway is too serious to repair. The source of the problem could be somewhere under the driveway and we should consider a complete overhaul. If we still don’t have the budget to perform the repair, it is acceptable to patch the any damage, but cracks could eventually expand.
Many homeowners find that the driveway keeps on deteriorating after the resurface it several times. Some mounds and depressions may also need to be reconstructed right from the base.
Properly installed asphalt should be able to last for 20 years or more. However, due to extra-heavy loads and extreme weather conditions, regular maintenance should be performed. It is generally unfeasible to repair the driveway ourselves and we should contact an asphalt pacing contractor. Reputable contractors should provide a list of materials and calculations related to the project.
This will allow us to compare prices with suppliers to know whether the materials are priced reasonably. Before hiring a contractor, we should get enough references and check their background. A good contractor should have attention to details and place enough importance on the quality of the work. The driveway should be completed on time and we can inspect the work easily.
There are a number of things we need to clarify before we agree to hire a contractor. We should know how they will deal with sewer inlets and water valves under the driveway. They should be proficient enough to perform repairs on these piping networks, if leaks are discovered. This way, we won’t need to hire separate plumbing professionals. We should also make sure that the surface will be adequately shaped to get enough drainage. The contractor should also specify about steps they do to complete the whole project.
About: Author is an employee of reputed seo services company. He’s likes blogging on internet marketing, small business tips and Finance.
Things To Consider Before Repairing Asphalt Driveway