Good leaders are in demand, whether the environment is a Fortune 500 company or a local volunteer group, the organization will only be as strong as its leaders. Some think that people who lead well were born with special “leadership” genes that make them destined leaders. However, there are many people in top leadership roles who probably never saw themselves as leaders. For them, leadership came about through a combination of being willing to take risks, having knowledge that prepares them to ask tough questions, and be willing to answer tough questions.
Great business leaders while goal-oriented, are able to see the big picture. They consider all the aspects that make a business great, including caring about people, staying abreast of a changing business environment and thinking about the future of the organizations they run. There are a number of qualities that make a good leader in business. The following is a list for those in business leadership roles to consider.
Keep the Right Company
Business leaders must surround themselves with others who have leadership qualities. It may be intimidating to hire ambitious and driven individuals; however, these people help leaders grow. There is value to diversity of thought. Bringing talented people on board who are not afraid to express ideas and make recommendations for improvement keeps an organization fresh and relevant.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Business leaders must be technologically savvy. Keeping abreast of technologies like social media keeps a leader competitive with his or her peers, and enables a leader to keep up with minute to minute information than could affect an organization’s bottom line.
Share the Load
Business leaders must feel comfortable with delegating duties. No one can do it all. Ultimately, trying to do so will lead to frustration and lack of time for being creative. A good leader finds people who can take ideas and turn them into products, programs and services. This does not mean that a leader is not part of the development process; it means that a leader knows his limitations and is willing to allow others to grow and develop as they assume more responsibility.
Be Understanding
Business leaders must show empathy. Empathy is walking in another person’s shoes. It is seeking to understand what another may be experiencing, whether it is the employee whose child becomes ill on a day when she is to make a major presentation, or the employee who is going through a messy divorce. A leader has to be able to listen and practice compassion. Empathy is a trait that often must be learned, especially when a leader is so focused on organizational success that employees’ personal trials may be ignored. People are the most important asset in any organization. When people are going through tough times they need to be supported with compassion.
Stay One Step Ahead
A business leader must be a visionary. A visionary leader sees beyond what is happening in the present. By being proactive and anticipatory, a visionary leader has already thought about potential problems and ways to address them. Visionary leaders are strategic in their planning, but not so rigid that they cannot think beyond conventional ways of addressing issues. Visionaries can spot and monitor trends and have the ability see challenges at opportunities for growth and expansion.
These are just a few traits that make good leaders in business. A business leader who is interested in these developing these characteristics should engage in self-assessment to determine areas where improvements could be made. This is the first step in becoming a business leader who recognizes the value becoming a leader who sees the big picture.
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