Google AdSense is certainly a blessing for all the bloggers and webmasters who run several websites, and they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to make such great money through contextual advertising, had Google not rolled out this fantastic service. It has been 10 years since Google first launched the Adsense program.
Having said so, it was a whole lot easier to create MFA (Made for Adsense) sites, and mint money until the advent of Google Panda and Penguin updates. Over past couple of years, Google has wiped out, almost all the low quality sites either from search results or from the Adsense program itself, and now only the high quality, trustworthy sites, which carry social love, survive, and generate good revenues through AdSense, which is why the display network quality has improved significantly over these years.
And, here are 4 things that can be a complete game-changer in the process of monetizing your website through AdSense –
- Social Media Love
- Custom Search Bars
- Content Matters a Great Deal
- Number of Units
Not only do the social media links boost the SERPs, but most of the relevant social traffic tends to result in higher CTR than the normal traffic. So, make sure that you try to drive as much of social media traffic as you can. On the other side, make sure you are not conducting paid promotions to send traffic on the pages, which include Adsense ads, as this would be a Adsense policy violation. But, the biggest advantage is that social media traffic is never blind to ads, and you’d continue to get a whole lot of clicks and never face any issue, unless you try to provoke users to explicitly click on your ads!
They not only add value to the site, but also work as an additional way to boost the ad revenues every time someone searches something on your site. So, make sure that you put that extra effort to get a custom search bar for all your blogs/sites, and try to boost your AdSense revenues in the process. According to my personal experiences, just adding the custom search bar across 3 of your sites can make a difference of as much as 10% to your overall revenues. This is once again quite subjective, because the actual figures would vary greatly in your case, depending upon the nature of site, current traffic stats, and the layout of the website. Check this article to get more ideas on boosting the AdSense revenues with custom search bars.
No matter how good your ad formats really are, and how well you’ve blended the ads, you won’t get too many clicks, and generate handsome revenues, until you’ve got thousands of daily visitors. On an average, you can expect minimum of $1 per 1000 page impressions, and maximum of $30 and it greatly varies with the niche, ad formats, and variety of other parameters. So, while it’s impossible to conclude anything about the CTR, and experimenting with ad formats, colours, and fonts is the only way to go, you can always try to publish lot of quality contents, and boost the organic traffic levels to increase the ad revenues.
Now this is once again quite subjective, because Google permits a maximum of 3 ad units on each web page, along with custom search bar, and 3 link units, but that doesn’t give you the permission to totally fill your pages with just ads. Start with 2 ad and 2 link units per page, along with a custom search bar, and then keep experimenting without really cluttering the look of your website.
Lastly, you must keep experimenting, and it’s a constant process, because even if you’re generating thousands of dollars through Adsense, there are good chances of boosting your revenues further!