Christmas is in the air! Santa’s Elves are on the loose! Holiday madness is afoot! So before we get all caught up in it and the mad rush to buy our family, friends, and coworkers presents, whatever their religious denomination (or lack thereof), it’s time to plan ahead. Now, I find that sweets are gifts that are always well met, no matter what the occasion, so I like to give them out to my coworkers and friends throughout the holiday season.
There is an abundance of sweets designed specifically for the holidays that make for great gifts (but between you and me, I like them off season, too). Here are some of them, for your delectation.
Stained-Glass Window Candies
These are also sometimes called cathedral candies, and there are tons of versions of this sweet. There are even some versions with shredded coconuts and Macadamia nuts in them. Cathedral candies are festive and easy to make, if you’d like to put a really personal spin on your holiday gift.
Sugar Plums
They’re dancing around your head! Sugar plums typically sugar coated coriander, spices, and dried fruit. They’re delicious, traditional, and of course reminiscent of that well-beloved poem by Clement Clark Moore. “’Twas the night before Christmas…”
Pecan Toffee
Oh, the sticky sweetness of toffee. It’s basically pure sugar syrup heated until it becomes—ta da!—toffee. This treat is especially good for people you know that have a big sweet tooth.
Bourbon Balls
Sometimes the holidays can get a little (a lot!) stressful, and we need a bit of booze to help carry us through the long lines and the endless shopping and the insufferable relatives. Bourbon balls are the best way to sneak a nip or two of alcohol without getting completely knackered. Bourbon balls have pecans, vanilla wafers, and of course, bourbon. Yum!
Classic Christmas Cookies
These cookies are typically made from butter cookie dough and formed into various Christmas or holiday themed shapes like Christmas trees, snowmen, and stars. They’re a close relative of the holiday favorite…
Gingerbread Men
These are self-explanatory treats; they do not need an introduction. Gingerbread men have been with us for centuries, and these delicious things are excellent in a holiday care basket for the recipient of your choice.
Candy Canes
Another holiday favorite! Candy canes are typically peppermint flavored (you can tell them by the red and white stripes). But nowadays people get creative with candy cane flavors, too. You can find candy canes in cherry, blueberry, strawberry, and a whole slew of other flavors and tastes!
Peppermint Patties
There’s always been something really festive about the taste of peppermint. Mixed with chocolate, and you have one of the most winning treats ever invented by man!
Don’t worry. These cookies don’t really snap back. But whoever you’re giving them to is going to snap them all up faster than you can say ho-ho-ho!
Now here’s a treat all the way from Denmark! Also known as pepper nuts, pebernødder are tiny rounded cookies that are spiced with ginger, cinnamon, white pepper, cardamom, and nutmeg. It’s an interesting blend of sweets and spices. If you’re interested in purchasing Danish treats for your friends, family and work colleagues, check online specialty stores like this Danish confectionery company for their scrumptious products.
Whatever you decide to give your coworkers and your friends this holiday season, always remember that it’s the thought that counts. Happy Holidays!
Nikki dela Paz is a lifestyle and business blogger. She writes for, a leading Danish advertising confectionery company.
Candy Christmas: Sweet Gifts For The Holidays