The facial mask with milk, gelatin and activated charcoal is very simple, but it can solve a large number of problems of different types of skin. For this, additional specialized fillers are introduced into the powerful gelatin-milk base composition, the method of application is corrected. If you master your “recipe”, it will become your wand-help for many years to come. The main thing is to understand your task and adhere to the technology of the procedure.
Wonderful Mask of “Milk, Gelatin and Activated Charcoal”
Mask for the face of milk, gelatin and activated charcoal will perform its work “perfectly well” in any case. If you are only pretending to be “5+”, supplement it with components, which we will talk about a little later.
Carry out the procedure by the course: once or twice a week for two months. Then make a mask as needed. It is recommended to check face mask review before apply.
Apply a mask of gelatin, milk and activated charcoal mask to the cleansed face. The duration of the procedure is not less than 15 … 20 minutes. The film should freeze well. In the process, you must lie calmly with a relaxed face, do not talk, do not grimace. Remove the film as follows:
- To nail the marigolds or peel off the film with rolling movements at the lower edge;
- Carefully and smoothly remove the frozen layer from the bottom up;
- When the entire film is removed, the face lubricate with a moisturizer.
Mask with normal skin
Normal skin type is a gift of nature. And expensive gifts should be protected. In the basic recipe, we’ll add some nuances adapted to your skin. Strengthen the nutritional properties of the mask. Gelatin and milk mask for face with activated charcoal will be supplemented with egg or only yolk. The procedure for preparing a mask is traditional:
- A large spoonful of gelatin is dissolved in the same amount of water (30 g) in a water bath or in a microwave (10 sec).
- Two tablets of activated charcoal
- Top up three tablespoons of hot milk, stir.
- Add yolk or egg to the mixture, stir.
The skin will receive excellent nutrition, light peeling, lightening, and improving the complexion. This mask will help maintain softness and velvety skin, prevent early wilting. The frequency of the procedure for trouble-free skin is once every two weeks. If there are emerging age problems, then we do the mask once every seven days.
Mask for remove blackheads
Mask for the face can contain not only gelatin, milk but also activated charcoal. The purpose of this mask is a deep cleansing of the skin from blackheads, i.e., blackheads. Activated carbon is a natural adsorbent, it will enhance the cleaning properties of the mixture. The mask is ideal for inflammatory and acne prone oily skin with enlarged pores. Procedure:
- Two tablets of activated carbon crush into powder.
- To the coal, add a small spoon of gelatin and two spoons of milk, stir.
- After swelling of gelatin, melt the mixture in a microwave for 10 seconds.
- Warm the mask on the problem areas of the face with a thin layer for 15 minutes before solidification.
- Gently remove the film, wipe the skin with ice or wash with cold water, apply moisturizer.
Before applying the mask, the face must be steamed or heated with a hot compress. This mask is contraindicated for dry skin and with blackheads. Keep reading