Event planning can be extremely stressful, even for the most experienced event planners. Twenty-four hours in a day never seem to be enough, as something always tends to go wrong.
Though hard, try to remind yourself never to get defeated by the demands of the job. Here are some tips you can do to de-stress before, during, and after the event.
Before the Event
Make a List
Creating a task list and crossing off finished tasks have a therapeutic effect. Being able to accomplish one task at a time will take your stress levels down a notch. Furthermore, listing the tasks you have to finish within a specific timeline will help you realize that some tasks can be done by another person in your team. Maximize your support system!
Disconnect from the World for a Short while
Leave your devices and take a walk for 10-30 minutes. You will surely feel liberated. Breathe in fresh air to get yourself pumped for another set of discussion with suppliers and clients.

During the Event Remember to have Fun
You’ve done all you can up to the day of the event. Avoid wearing a poker face and just enjoy running the event. Don’t take everything too seriously, and make an effort to enjoy yourself.
Do Quick Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises have a calming effect. These can slow down your heart rate and calm you. They can also help you focus despite the pressure you feel as the event is happening. You can do this in 5 minutes, after which you will have a more relaxed mind.
After the Event Visit your Own Happy Place
Now that the event is over, it’s now time to reward yourself for a job well done! Visit your own happy place – somewhere that makes you smile right away. Do the things you like to do such as cooking, listening to music, or playing with your kids.
Accept the Fact that Everything didn’t Go as Planned
Event planners tend to be control freaks. They tend to get stressed out due to the regret of not being able to do things as planned. Learn to accept the shortcomings and focus more on the positive areas of your event. This will give a sense of calmness and make you stronger.
Don’t Let Yourself Get Eaten by Stress
Stressful situations will always be a part of an event planner’s work environment. Make sure that you shield yourself from anything that might affect your output. Follow the tips above and don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.
Written by bleu events, one of the top event planners Columbia, MO has to offer.