Weddings are really expensive, however you do not have to spend so much that you will end up paying loans for a very long time. Here are some useful ideas that will help you have a successful budget wedding.
Food can be one of the most costly parts of the wedding depending on your wedding style. Look for a wedding where it will be possible for you to provide your own meals for the reception. You can serve sandwich style buffet or heavy appetizer buffet. Do not choose a sit down meal.
For the wedding attires, you should opt to rent them rather than buy new dresses or have one specially made for you as it will cost you dearly. For the wedding decorations, use candles and flower petals on the reception tables instead of pricey flower arrangements. If you have to choose between wedding bubbles and confetti, go for the first one as they are cheaper and they will look much better in photos.
Do not choose to have a big gathering for the wedding if you want to cut costs. Choose a small intimate wedding by inviting guests who are closest to you. If you have to invite relatives, invite representatives from every family only; you also only have to invite friends and family whom you have been in touch with within the past year; you do not have to invite everyone’s boyfriend or girlfriend. Although it might offend some people, you are the one who is paying for the wedding so it is your decision. If you have to explain to them, let them know politely that you have a very limited budget for the wedding however you do not want it to stop you from having one.
You should also think about having a morning or an afternoon time for the reception. A dinner is more costly that a breakfast or lunch. You will also pay less for alcoholic drinks or beverage because most people do not drink a lot during the day. You can still have an open bar but limit it for an hour. Serve punch or wine after an hour of open bar.
You will also save money on your wedding by giving away handmade wedding favors such as organza bags filled with sweets or small favor boxes.
Aside from the tips mentioned above, the two very important things you have keep in mind in order to have a successful budget wedding is to start planning as early as possible, and stick to the plan and budget.
About Author
Jenna Cooper is the founder and CEO of, who has been dedicated to wedding dress designing and tailoring for more than a decade. She has a strong motivation to make every bride the most beautiful lady on the big day with the perfect tailored-to-fit wedding gown regardless of her height, weight or complexion.
How to Have a Successful Budget Wedding