Schools are considered the temples of learning where the knowledge is enhanced and the vision is broadened. However, there are some students who have special talents inherent in them. Such students need special guidance and special places and schools where their talents can be nourished and paved on a direction where they achieve success in later life. However, it has been seen that schools today are failing to stretch the abilities of the brightest pupils leaving them dissatisfied and bored in the class.
A new online service, International Gateway for Gifted Youth (IGGY) set up by the Warwick University recently revealed that as per the survey conducted by them, teachers were finding it difficult to fully channel the abilities of the brightest students.
Janey Walker, the director of IGGY said that many bright children were being let down or left bored in school as their abilities were not being fully stretched as the tasks set in the class for the core subjects were of low level. Janey cited several reasons for the problem, the large class size, lack of time on the part of the teachers and the shortage of resources being some of them.
It is true that there are several schools that hold high records of its pupils passing out with high flying results, but this number is limited and applies to a segment of students and schools. A larger part of the student sector is from the lower to average ability strata, making it difficult for bright pupils to be interested in their lessons and exercises. It is feared that schools in England could be downgraded after the official inspections if it was found that they were unable to meet the requirements of the brightest students.
The chief inspector of schools in England, Sir Michael Wilshaw said that he was particularly concerned of the mixed-ability lessons as this was eating into the abilities of the bright students.
The establishment of the International Gateway for Gifted Youth or IGGY by the Warwick University is an attempt to bring together the gifted pupils. With IGGY, young pupils in the 13 – 18 age bracket would be able to access material in subjects such as English, math, history and science. They would also be able to collaborate and interact with other students on educational projects, across the world.
It is anticipated that the new service would fill in the gap that has been left several secondary level schools and institutes of learning and give the bright students a platform to utilize their time and take up additional material.
Bright Pupils Find the Classes Boring