Are you interested in countryside and ecological management? Looking to take up a career in this area but not quite sure exactly what it involves? Would you like to know more so that you can decide whether you want to pursue your interest further? Do you have a love for the countryside and wildlife and believe that you have a calling in this direction?
Working in an ecological role can involve a wide variety of skills and knowledge; however it really helps if you have an interest in the environment. It is a very rewarding job and depending on what direction you take and how you develop as a person it can also be a very lucrative role.
There are lots of different kinds of projects that you could be involved in and some of these are explained below:
Pond and Wetland Creation
An important aspect of countryside management involves the creating and maintenance of pond and water availability. An example of the work is in the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District around creating a natural water supply called ‘Dew Ponds’ for animals in areas where water supplies are sporadic. This system has been used for over a hundred and seventy years showing that not all methods employed are necessarily modern.
Species and Flora Translocation
This can involve the relocation of both plants and animals in order to sustain their future. It can either be simply that the current environment is not supporting them or that they need to be moved as a result of expansion of roads and other manmade objects. This helps to retain the landscape and wildlife survival and to ensure the survival or protection of countryside hedges as well as retaining the aesthetic look of the vista in tandem with its surroundings.
Conservation Work
This can cover a variety of areas of work but mainly on ensuring the survival and sustainability of endangered and protected plants and species. An example of the type of work may involve the propagation and bulking-up of the number of endangered plants.
River and Riparian Projects
The type of projects involved here often incorporates fencing of streams, rivers and small ponds. The task usually requires protecting the vegetation whilst encouraging safe water flow and reduction in the possibility of flooding.
Nesting Bird Site Clearance
This area of work is when the trees need to be cleared or are in a dangerous condition and therefore warrant the removal and resisting of the nest to protect the birds. This work requires expertise and knowledge to ensure the safe relocation of the birds and requires careful planning and implementation.
As you can see from the list above the projects and tasks that are involved in this type of work are quite varied. However this does not begin to cover all the aspects of countryside or ecological jobs. If you are interested in an environment job you have an ever wider range of opportunities.
Initially you could just become a volunteer working with the National Trust to find out if an environmental job is for you. However, alternatively you may wish to work for one of the ecological contractors who are involved in larger scale projects such as creating a new pond for habitat creation or restoration, as outlined above. Whatever your choice a career working in an environmental role is both varied and rewarding.
Simon Jones writes this article on ecological contractors on behalf of
Are You Looking For A Career In Countryside Management?