Improve Lead Quality with Phone Number Verification

So you have a lead capture page which you have designed using the best industry practices. You’re not only excited about creating a critical component of your e-marketing strategy but you’re expecting visitors to sign up for your product, subscription or any service you provide through an online form your visitors will fill out. Anticipating that all goes well, you’ll be able to follow those leads for fast returns on your investment. But very quickly you come to realize that many of those leads lead to a dead end. Many of those entries have fudged phone numbers, street addresses and even bogus names! Oh-oh! The truth is: 20 to 40 percent of contact information sent through lead forms online is false. In the meanwhile, your customer service operators are losing valuable time attending to false leads which they could utilize more productively by focusing on genuine leads.
Is there a solution?
Phone number identification can improve the quality of lead data your operators receive. A simple phone number identification system incorporated in your online request process, can reduce the number of false leads. Your operators will receive high-quality leads that they can take action on.
How does this benefit you?

  • Saves money. By improving point-of-entry leads you can save up to 30 percent of your productivity time.
  • Increases ROI. Receiving quality leads improves the efficiency of your operators.
  • Generates income. When you focus on genuine leads in real time, you’re more likely to generate greater conversions which add up to higher sales.

Phone number identification is one of the most primary but vital steps to optimizing your lead data. When you get a new lead, the phone verification system automatically sends an SMS or makes an automated call to the number that has been entered by your customer. A unique pin will be given to the number has been entered. The customer will be required to enter the 4-digit pin that has been given in order to complete the request, thus validating that the phone number is genuine.
Of course, if the visitor has not entered a valid phone number, he/she will not be able to complete the form process so they will have no way to know what their unique pin number is. This entire system takes only a few minutes to identify phone number and validate that the lead is most likely a genuine request.
Phone verification vs. Email Verification
Email verification also exists and this system may be useful for sending updates on new products or promotional offers. But one of the disadvantages of the email verification system is that many customers use disposable emails. If a prospective customer changes email he/she is unreachable. Email verification therefore is not as reliable as phone verification.
Append your prospective customer contact information
Phone identification will give you the following information:

  • Name and address of the contact
  • Phone type

It will also provide registration local information and auto-corrected phone number to make sure that the lead is authentic.
You can also enhance the data collected with other valuable information, to better analyze your database, gain deeper insight into your prospective customer’s behavior and improve your response rate. You will be able to market more efficiently and boost your bottom line.
According to the Data Warehousing Institute, more than $600 billion dollars are lost because of data quality problems. Phone number identification can help you save on such losses and increase revenue.
Author’s Bio 
Steven E. Collins is a web enthusiast and a baseball fan living in Los Angeles, CA. He has extensive experience in the field of Internet Security. He likes to share his knowledge through articles and blog posts on implementing security systems for online businesses. You can find him writing anything from best practices for online transactions to prevention of online fraud.