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Things you should check before moving in rental property

Searching for a suitable rental to live in is no easy task. The first inspection only shows you what the place looks like, and landlords rarely delve deeper into the details of the place. This is why it’s up to the tenants to figure out whether or not the property would fit them. If you’re a tenant and you’re wondering what to check for first, here’s a handy guide to help get you started. 

Asses security

One of the most important functions of your home is keeping you safe and secure. It’s not something pleasant to think about, but your home needs to be a safe environment against burglars and intruders. Both your family and your belongings need to remain safe. This is why you have to check every new rental property for security issues. 

Check the doors and windows to start with. If they are flimsy and badly integrated, damaging or knocking them down wouldn’t be a problem for robbers. If you don’t want to replace windows, attaching a window cage on the outside would be a solid option.

Install an alarm if there isn’t one present. Burglars are less likely to stick around if an alarm starts making noise, as neighbors are likely to call the police. Check-in with your insurance company to see which security features would affect your rates. It could go in your favor and save you some money.

Simplify the move

Moving always seems like a simple process at first. All you really need to do is move all of your belongings from one location to another and settle in. It should be even simpler when you’re renting. There are fewer items to move and you don’t have to worry about all the furniture and installations. However, there are still a few aspects that can complicate things.

Your landlord might not always properly prepare the property. Sometimes, the water and heating might not be set correctly and could be dysfunctional as you move in. The internet must also be set up so that you can communicate and work remotely. Lots of tenants seek assistance from Hutton & Hutton to help set up their rental properties before they move in. It’s a lot simpler when you don’t have to worry about any utility or necessary element. Plus, you don’t have to get in touch with repairmen for any small fixes or installations in your home. 

Take measurements of the space

One of the biggest problems when moving into a rental property is finding space for all your furniture. While an empty house or apartment might have ample space, chances are that a rental will already be filled with some form of furniture and accessories. Fitting everything you’ve brought with you is going to be a challenge, especially if you’re not prepared. 

Even if you’re entering an empty rental, it still takes some preparation and planning to get all your stuff inside. This is where measuring and writing these measurements down can help. If you’re unsure about a particular room or storage space, you can always whip out the measuring tape and start measuring rooms. This will give you a rough idea of whether or not something can fit. It will also help you figure out where to add certain elements and accessories. Instead of relying on trial and error while wasting your time, you can start creating a clear picture of how the rental will look with all your stuff inside it.

Before you measure anything else, you want to check the doors. If a table or bed can’t fit through the frame, there’s no use trying to get it inside without taking it apart. An inspection will save you from hours of disappointment while moving things on your own.

Think about storage options

Storage is often on the back of your mind when picking out a new place to live, but it’s a crucial part of the home’s design and function. If you don’t have places to keep your clothes, tools, shoes, and cleaning supplies, you’re going to end up with a lot of clutter. Not to mention, this also limits your overall storage and keeps you from getting new things.

While you’re checking out a rental, make sure you size-up the storage options inside of it. Check for storage areas and cabinets in crucial areas. If there’s no shoe cabinet in the entrance or hallway of the rental, you’re going to need to install one on your own.

The problem with not having storage solutions ready is that they can get expensive. Entire cabinets and wardrobes can cost a pretty penny, and you’re definitely going to need them. This means it would be much more cost-effective if you simply found a rental that already features ample storage options.


There are lots of things to watch out for when moving into a new rental. It’s no small change, which is why tenants need to be prepared for the move. Have a solid plan to stick with before you decide to move on to a new rental and make sure to check for all the essentials. Start with the points on the list and you should be off to a good start.