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Reshaping The App Marketing Strategy That Gets More Downloads

Reshaping The App Marketing Strategy That Gets More Downloads

Last week, my friends and I were having a chit chat, suddenly the topic shifted to fitness.

In my group, I am considered the one who doesn’t take good care of the body. Yes maybe. I defended myself by saying that there are no gyms in my area and dieting is something that I don’t feel like doing!

I knew except Amelia and Clare no one goes to the gym, but yes I even knew that everyone was fit and lit! Except me!

I felt a bit embarrassed, and I decided that I will do something about it. I asked one of my friends what she does to keep her body healthy. Her reply amazed me that it was an app that did wonders.

The very next moment, I typed in ‘fitness’, and lots of apps were on my screen.

I immediately clicked the first fitness app I came across, I don’t know how but I knew that this would fit my purpose, maybe it was the name, the logo, the ratings, or it was just on the top.

Or it was just an App Marketing Strategy!

Wonder why your users are not drawn towards your app? Your app marketing strategies are not to the point, and that’s the reason your users are not inclined towards your app! Take me, who didn’t even notice other apps except the first one.

You can also receive the same visibility as the first fitness app, which was made visible to me.

A few tactics and a few bucks will get your app on track, oh I mean on the top and eventually more downloads.

We have listed out ways that can boost your app marketing strategy that we found while serving as an app development usa firm located in Chicago, Illinois to numerous industries worldwide since 2016. Anyways, it’s high time to get high downloads and high app visibility for your app!

  1. App Store Optimization (ASO)

It’s is said that the first impression is the last and when it comes to the mobile application, this statement works well.

According to stats, 63% of apps are found by searchers on the app store. In such a scenario, high visibility is what you need to yearn for your app. Make OPTIMISATION the first step for your product, and it will ensure a successful app in your stride.

For that, you need to start with creating a definite user perspective. Prepare a do-to list for the things you need to optimize before & after releasing your app.

The primary action you need to implement is – The key is to keep in your mind your users, and keywords relevance plays an important role here. Carry out a thorough research on adequate persuasive words that would be relevant to your audience.

The second optimization tactic is – impressing visuals! Create a logo that not only defines your business but at the same time, is also eye-catching and exciting. Add screens shots of your appealing features and winsome functionalities. Mainly, create a video of your app containing attractive characteristics. Users that watch the video are more likely to download the app and use it.

Moreover, supervise the ratings & review of your app. It is seen that apps with 4+ ratings have more excellent downloads than apps with fewer ratings on the App stores. If it is combined with positive feedback, then it has the potential to attract more customers.

  1. Influence Marketing

Have you ever downloaded an app after noticing your favorite influencer using it? Yes! The same will work for your app too. Influencer marketing has excellent scope to bring your app in front of more targeted users.

Influencers have their own set of loyal audiences. If you market your product by contacting them, then their audience can become your customers too! Their followers copy them, and if the influencer uses your product/app, then it can become total influencing to their audience as well. It is indeed an effective marketing strategy to promote your app and get more users. All thanks to them!

  1. Viva-voce

This technique has double benefits. Pass on information about your app to your friends, family, relatives in general and direct them to support your app by posting it on their social media handles or spread a message across different groups.

Adding to it, you can include a social element to it for further enhancing downloads. We have listed a few:

  1. Launch a free app

A new marketing strategy that can make you reach heights is – Launching a free app. A free app has the power to increase your conversion rate and make it popular among your target customers!

Users who are browsing for a new app are more likely to download an app that is free and serves their purpose. Once placing a mark in the market, you can think of monetizing your app or add in-app purchases for a few notables features.

  1. Upgrade continuously

A tried and tested strategy; an update is a compelling way to hook users to your app. Why updates are a powerful, convincing technique? By continually updating your app, you make sure that your app is bug-free, thus an easy to use interactive app!

Furthermore, with frequent updates, you can address the issues your users might be having which they must have mentioned in the reviews section. Check up on their concerns and try to resolve them within your app. If you incorporate their demands and give them a better experience, then they are there to stay with you on your journey.

Interest them with your new exciting features and let them enjoy the rest stunning functionalities. You won’t even have to ask, and your users would automatically do the job of promoting your app by recommending it to others! Interesting, right?

To Sum it up;

We know that getting your desired number of downloads is not an easy thing, though.

But the strategies mentioned above are a few of the powerful techniques that can do wonders to your app!

Always remember that your chief intention should be to satisfy your users and make them delighted. The rest, as we mentioned, would be voluntarily done by them.

If you successfully implement these strategies, then be sure that your app is gonna make huge sales and would, of course, top the charts.

You can always reach us to know more marketing strategies & get the most out of it!