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Keeping Kids Busy In The Summer Holidays

Keeping Kids Busy In The Summer Holidays

As the weather improves and midsummer approaches, a parent starts to think about what they’re going to do to keep their children entertained, educated or at least distracted during the long weeks of the summer holiday. It appears that this year, we might be looking at a summer break with more restrictions than we’re used to – while the UK coronavirus lockdown is easing, it’s by no means over yet, and we have yet to see which clubs, parks and even playgrounds will be open during those key weeks when children will once again be off school, and home-schooling won’t be expected.

Exploring the Neighbourhood 

UK cities are remarkably green – even the behemoth that is London has a surprising number of commons, parks, public gardens and other green spaces. Looking on maps, or simply walking around your neighbourhood might reveal a hidden gem tucked away which allows your children to run and play. Smaller parks are more likely to be neighbourhood secrets, not drawing visitors from miles around, and therefore quieter, safer places to play.

It’s not just a chance to stretch your children’s energetic legs. Returning to the same small park day after day might appear boring at first glance, but it’s in the second and third glances that the value of this repetition reveals itself. Your children will see the season change as summer winds towards autumn, under your guidance watching flowers bloom and wilt, the leaves on trees begin to lose their colour, and perhaps even get to watch tadpoles grow into frogs – an education and a broadening of perspective as well as a distraction.

A Crafting Hobby 

Finding the right crafting hobby could keep your children not just busy but inspired and engrossed throughout the whole summer holidays and beyond.

The key is to find something attainable and achievable. Starting your children on a project it’ll take weeks, or even merely days to complete and frustration and impatience could form a barrier that prevents them from really enjoying their new hobby. Starting with a simple project where they can see results they can feel proud of in a single afternoon forms a foundation for enjoyment and achievement for weeks to come.

You should also look for skills it’s easy for small, clumsy fingers to master. Knitting might be a difficult prospect for a primary school aged child in 2020, but starting them with paper or rainbow weaving will give them a simple tactile distraction they can enjoy for hours!