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How To Make Money With Content Writing?

How To Make Money With Content Writing?

One of the biggest challenges facing content writers is how to monetize their contents and earn through them. Content writing just like other forms of writing requires a lot of research, time and other resources that could cost money. So, it is natural for content writers to look for means of making money through it regardless of whether they have a passion for it or not.

Today, content writing has become highly competitive and saturated, and many content writers find it difficult to make significant income from it. That notwithstanding, there are still reliable ways you can truly make money through content writing as listed below.

Website Content

Many companies as well as startups are often creating new websites or modifying existing ones in order to engage with their customers. Such establishments will prefer to use the services of professional content writers for obvious reasons. You can create your portfolio as a content writer on platforms like Linkdin or freelancing sites such as Fiverr and Freelancer. They will get in touch with you and will pay for your services accordingly.

Blog Post

You can equally create your own blog and be providing the contents yourself while earning money through Google AdSense and also from adverts and promotions listed on your blog. To be honest, blogging has become really saturated in recent times; however, you can still be able to make good money from it provided you’re in the right niche and also well versed in providing relevant information to your audience.


Writing books is another effective way to earn good money as a writer. You can write books in genres such as fiction or nonfiction. It is left for you to decide which genre will work best for you. If you’re a good story teller, you can opt for fictional writing. On the other hand, you can equally choose nonfiction and write peoples’ biographies, motivational books, research books etc. Just ensure that you can be prolific enough to create interesting contents that will be enjoyable to read.


How To Make Money With Content Writing?

There are lots of people out there who desire to author books but unfortunately for them, they do not have the time to write or worse still, can’t write something that would be engaging enough to be enjoyed by readers. Such individuals would have no choice than to look for professionals to do it for them. A good example of such site where professional ghostwriters can be gotten is Essay Supply.

Ghostwriting or ghostwriters strictly speaking, are professional writers who create contents on behalf of others with the intention of making money while the ownership/copyright entitlements belong to the person that contracted them.

Ghostwriting is a proven and lucrative way one can make good money as the writer provided you have the skills to create interesting content.


Since the advent of computers, Ebooks have not only emerged as a rival to the traditional hardcopy books, but have continued to grow in popularity. Lots of people now find it more convenient to read Ebook contents and coupled with the fact that it’s easily assessable relative to hardcopies, has helped to spike demand for it.

All you have to do is to figure out a particular genre to focus on, create your own content, and have it published. Then you go to popular sites such as Amazon, Lulu etc. where you can register and upload the Ebook. The more people download it, the more you will be earning from it.

Rewrite Content

Content rewriting has become popular in recent times. This is due to the fact that lots of research and studies have been conducted over the years on almost every issue. Considering that conducting studies and research can be time and money consuming, it can then be expedient to use