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Thrill Seeking: 3 Awesome Experiences Worth Having at Least Once

It’s easy to get caught up in the grind of day-to-day life and focus on work, family and other obligations. However, everyone should set aside some time to enjoy new experiences and explore some of the more exiting activities life has to offer. It’s fine to be a homebody, but there are certain experiences everyone should experience at least once in their lives. Here are three to consider.

Visiting a Truly Foreign Nation

Some people enjoy heading up to the mountains for hiking or skiing for vacation, and others enjoy visiting museums and other venues in urban areas. Everyone, however, should take a vacation to a truly foreign country. Instead of opting for a comfortable and familiar vacation, plan a trip to a place where residents speak a foreign language and have a vastly different culture. Discovering how other people live their lives helps place your own life into perspective and will provide memories that will last a lifetime.

Get Your Adrenaline Going

Whitewater rafting is a thrilling way to spend some time, and it’s also great for seeing pristine scenery. Bungee-jumping is fun as well, and it’s easy to find jump sites in most places. For the ultimate in getting your adrenaline going, however, consider planning your first skydive. Skydiving grants you a view of the world people were unable to experience before the 20th century, and even the most stoic individuals will feel their adrenaline pumping when they leave the plane. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous on your first skydive, but you’ll be tethered to an expert to ensure a safe dive and soft landing. First-time divers often find their view of the world transformed after landing, and everyone should enjoy the thrilling experience at least once.

See the Stars

Our place in the universe is small, but our busy lives make it difficult to appreciate our role in the cosmos. Very few people live in a location where they have a good look at the stars, and people in major metropolitan areas sometimes have no choice but to take a vacation for a view of the night sky without light pollution. Stargazing on your back in a remote location and with a clear sky is a wonderful experience, and bringing along a pair of binoculars opens up more wonderful views. Another great option is to schedule a night viewing at an observatory. Being able to see planets, galaxies and other celestial objects provides a perspective our ancestors have enjoyed for millennia.