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Everyday Uses for a Traveler’s Notebook

Everyday Uses for a Traveler’s Notebook

Traveler’s notebooks were originally created for the purpose of tracking and planning travels however, they have quickly become a household favourite for a myriad of different functions! A traveler’s notebook is an amazingly useful tool once you’re fully informed on just how you can put yours to work. Here are a few day-to-day uses for a traveler’s notebook to get you inspired to put pen to paper today…

Project Tracker

Whether it’s a major professional or personal passion project, keeping track of any movements and progress is very important! A larger size project needs management, and when you’re busy working away it does easily get confusing and muddled. Keep your work concise by tracking successes and noting down dates for outstanding tasks to be completed by. A dating system and task breakdown, similar to bullet journaling, should keep you on the straight and narrow!

Guest Book

Maybe you’ve got a special day coming up, or you host friends and family over at your house more often than not? A guest book is such a lovely document to keep, even just having one at your front door will note down years of treasured memories for you to look back on. If you have a polaroid camera, pop it next to your guest book for some extra fun visual keepsakes to stick in there.

Shopping and Chore Lists

No one is perfectly productive but keeping lists can definitely help. Weekly grocery lists and a chore schedule will ensure that your household is in good order at all times. You can keep this in the kitchen for the whole family to check off or add to thorough the week.


Scrapbooking seems to have become a bit of a lost art, let your traveler’s journal bring it back to life! Scrapbooking is perfect for getting away from the never-ending screen exposure and just having some pure fun. Cutting out pictures, drawing, writing and sketching will get your creative juices flowing and encourage you to be more present.


A memory log is good if you want to wake your brain up, or if you just want to immortalise a few important events in your life! You can embellish your special memories with song lyrics, recipes from food that you ate on the day or small receipts from the moment to cherish. This can be kept in your family for generations, so it’s a really wonderful thing to do for you and your loved ones.

Diet and Exercise Tracker

Leading an active and healthy lifestyle can get hard and downright boring, keeping note of what you’re eating and how you’re exercising can make it easier. You’ll feel proud of your accomplishments, be able to track any weight changes or potential allergens and remember any really great workout routines you improvised in the gym.


Reflecting on your day-to-day life, noting down any significant events and venting your feelings is very important for your happiness and your stress levels. A traveler’s journal lets you express your inner thoughts and feelings in total confidence and peace. You’ll work through issues, relationships and learn so much about yourself along the way.


Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using your traveler’s journal for what it was made for! Pack your journal to log all your travel plans and adventures, keep photographs and note contacts of friends that you made along the way!

A traveler’s notebook is perfect for keeping you happy and in check, whether you’re travelling through a distant land or just at your kitchen table!