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Unusual Extracurricular Activities

When it comes to choosing extracurricular activities, it can require a lot of thought. Your child has a limited amount of free time, and they want to use it wisely. Nobody wants to end up stuck with an extracurricular they don’t enjoy. So if the normal offerings aren’t exciting your child, it might be time to try something a little different. Here are a few unusual extracurricular activities that will excite your child and make their resumes stand out from the crowd.


If your kid likes to clown around and make a spectacle of things, juggling could be right up their alley. This extracurricular offers students the chance to perform amazing tricks while learning the ins and outs of the juggling world. It’s fun, exciting, and definitely unusual. After all, how many college applications list ‘juggling’ under extracurricular activities?


It’s not just for wizards anymore. Fans of the Harry Potter franchise have worked out a way to play this popular sport without the need for any magical influence. Before you scoff at this idea, keep in mind that over 300 schools have Quidditch teams. Your child’s passion and enthusiasm for this sport could end up being magical.


Forget about what you learned at summer camp; archery programs in school are serious business. There are tons of clubs and programs that vary depending on which type of archery your child is interested in pursuing. Students learn about safety, how to compete in archery tournaments, and the essentials of this highly competitive sport. This is a sport that is rapidly growing in popularity; many students continue to practice at colleges, university, and college prep boarding schools.


If your child is happiest with a pole and some bait, find out if there are fly-fishing courses available. Students learn not just how to fish, but about the environment and how we impact it. Does your school not offer any courses or clubs? Not a problem; have your child start one! This shows initiative, and is a great way to impress potential colleges in the future.


Believe it or not, there are programs of study out there for those who like to hang out between the branches. Students learn everything you could want to know about tree-climbing, from safety tips and tricks to ways of keeping the environment safe and unharmed by our visits. For nature lovers, this extracurricular is a dream come true.

Eating Club

Aspiring foodies can explore the world through their taste buds. These clubs are about understanding food on every level, from how it’s made to where the ingredients come from. Exploring local restaurants connects students with the community, while trying out their own recipes inspires new levels of creativity. Even kids who lack confidence in the kitchen can learn a bunch of helpful tips to improve their culinary skills.

Renaissance Club

History buffs unite! Some people are just fascinated with the past, and these clubs let them find like-minded friends to share their enthusiasm. From attending renaissance fairs to studying all aspects of history, a Renaissance Club can be a fun and wildly informative extracurricular activity.