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Top Web Design Trends of 2018

webdesign trends

We are halfway through 2018, so it’s a great time to reflect on some of the web design trends that are taking this year by storm. Let’s consider three brilliant web design trends that every company should be making use of this year (if they aren’t already).

1. Bold And Expressive Typography

Typography as a design element is taking the limelight. We are seeing playful, colorful, and artistic fonts taking the place of images. This makes a lot of sense for mobile design, which is dominating the world of web design. Expressive typography adds weight to a page, unlike an image. It allows you to create cleaner lines with more negative space, which allows your call-to-action or logos to pop on the page and have a greater impact on your website visitors. So go big with your typography and watch your website soar.

2. Intelligent Conversational Bots & Voice Search

We all knew the bots would begin to take over our web someday, and that time has arrived. As we begin to blend traditional web pages and apps together, websites are able to push and take on the advanced functionality that apps possess. This, therefore, sees an increase in the use of heuristic bots, voice search, and natural language processing. If your web content isn’t optimized for voice search, then you are going to miss out on a large market. Just consider this statistic, “50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020”. Clearly, voice search is a trend to get on board with.

You can make use of Intelligent Conversational Bots in a variety of ways, such as programming them into an FAQ page or on any page – allowing visitors to ask questions verbally rather than scrolling through a fixed list.

3. Secure Web Pages and Secure Apps

After data breaches with major corporations such as Target and Facebook in recent months and years, it’s no surprise that secure web pages, apps, and data security is more important than ever. People need to trust a website. In 2018 and beyond, trust is going to be a major concern of users who visit web pages. Can they trust contact forms to securely deliver and store sensitive contact information? Can they trust downloads from a company’s site? Is their payment information secure…even through a third-party gateway? These are just some of the questions customers will be considering.

Using HTTPS to protect confidential online transactions — such as online shopping order forms — is the standard needed, as users will expect a trusted certificate on all websites they visit and interact with.

These are three important web design trends that will continue to flourish in 2018 and 2019. Make sure your website is ready for the future by incorporating these web design trends into your personal and corporate websites today!