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These Technology Apps Can Help You Set Your New Fitness Goals

Technology can control anything these days, however, it is very commonly said that technology has ruined our health because the easiness and facilities it provides have minimized the physical activities and made us dependable on the technology. So, for making it the other way around, there are numbers of technology apps introduced in order to set your fitness goals and keeps you fit. The few of most useful applications are listed and described below:


One of the best and frequently used android fitness application which fulfills the requirements of the fitness goals and keeps the track of your fitness and performance, record the pep talks and provides the list for to do things and access. The application is mostly free to use, however, by paying for a subscription it provides the access to create the personal training plan, analyze heart rate and many other features for making it easy to set a goal for fitness according to personal convenience.

Charity Miles

A mobile application available on Android and iOS which motivates the user to finish the miles to earn money for charities. Whenever the user uses application and finishes the mile the corporate sponsors, donate some cents for every mile. It gives the flexibility to chose from the list of the charities and walk for that.

Google Fit

It is an android application which is developed by the Google itself and gets the frequent updates in the features. The best part of the application is the complete integration with the android wear which makes it more exciting and useful especially for those who rock a smartwatch. And for the most, it gives you goals to finish, analyze stats and other tracking which can motivate the uses to keep the check of fitness and work for own self. The application is best for the beginners to keep the workout in balance.

Lose it

Another free website and application that is designed to keep the check on calories consuming and how to burn those calories with exercising. It can help to lose weight especially if the consumption of your meals is not so healthy or full of fats. The application has a strong community and has been around for years. There are a number of followers and collaborates with other fitness devices such as MapMyFitness, Nike+ FuelBand, Runkeeper, Jawbone up and Fitbit Devices. It helps to keep a check on the calories intake and keep the balance as well, effortlessly.


JEFIT is an android application which provides a personal trainer in your portable device. The application has the tendency to convince its users to stick to it by providing outclass features and the database which contains over 1300 exercises with a short demos to do them. It provides the fitness plans along with the fitness tracking and has the rage of social aspects which can also be joined. The application is highly rated and is free to use. It also syncs with the website and the pro version of the application is available for some dollars which adds even more features to it.


In the world of temptation, stress, cheap pleasures and convenience have become the part of lives which leads us to the point where it affects our diet and health. Keeping this agenda in mind the application MyFitnessPal is developed which provides the wide range of tracking tools which track your eating schedules, calories in consumption and how many calories you have already burned through the daily life activities. The best part of an application is it is most easy to operate and have the largest database of foods and drinks. Through this application, you can keep a check on what you eat and what you burn regardless of your global position and time.


Julia Roberts is a content developer and working for the cheapest essay writing service in USA.She has vast experience of 7 years in writing industry.She also assist students in theirĀ  academic problems in her free time.You can follow her on FACEBOOK | TWITTER | LINKEDIN