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Analysis: Driverless Car Adoption Will Make Society Safer, More Eco-Friendly

Cars that drive themselves are coming! If you are older than say, 40, there was a time when such a thing would have been considered only as a far-fetched science fiction tale, but as we approach the “new Roaring Twenties”, driverless cars are already a technological reality. Society hasn’t quite caught up to this technology, yet, but sure as our great grandfathers adopted the automobile after some hesitation, the power of autonomous transportation will be so compelling that we will adapt quite quickly. Many experts believe as soon as the coming decade!

Let’s take a look at some of the negative realities of our current transportation infrastructure that could be eliminated with driverless cars:

Each of these negatives could be greatly diminished or negated entirely by a nationwide fleet of driverless automobiles navigating American highways and commuter routes.  To wit:

Furthermore, major players in the autonomous vehicle game envision a future when everyone doesn’t need to personally own the vehicles they use to commute.  Instead of purchasing and maintaining a vehicle that sits dormant for 22 hours a day, you might just dial up a shared vehicle when you need it.