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5 Negative And 5 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Youth

5 Negative And 5 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Youth

Media today is the strongest than ever before. It keeps us updated on the latest happening in the world. It has transformed every single aspect of the human life, the way we interact, the way we do business, the way we receive education everything. One of the amazing by-products of media as a result of increased digitalization is the emergence of social media. An amazing platform for people irrespective of any age group you belong. The development in social media has created a public forum for the people from whom individuals can drive the benefits as well as detriments. The impacts of social media on the most demanded segment i.e.  Youth are as follows:

Positive Effects Of Social Media

1.    Develops Social Awareness

5 Negative And 5 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Youth

Social media raises awareness in the youth regarding sensitive issues that are not discussed in many societies. It raises the consciousness of the hardships that people in different society face. It creates political and social awareness and provides the information of how to access support in case a certain situation arises.

2.    Source of Learning and Teaching

5 Negative And 5 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Youth

Social media is serving as a gateway for exchanging information. It has become a platform for different sources for youth to improve their education. The sharing option that it provides has created a thesaurus for us from which we can extract every single bit of information no matter how rare the topic is. It helps youth to reach out to the professors or future employers or perhaps collaborate with their peers

3.    Improve Self-Confidence

Social media is serving as a source for boosting or building self-confidence in the youth. It makes them feel better and good about themselves. The number of likes, shares, and comments of approval they receive enhances their quality to feel good about themselves. The personalization of profiles allows them to experience a sense of independence. The open platform for participation fosters their identity to interact with people that have similar taste and help them to fit in well.

4.    Amazing Platform to Showcase Talent

Social media is an amazing platform that offers the opportunity for showcasing the talent individuals conspires. It is an amazing platform to put our best self out there and to be recognized for the individual identity and talent we possess.

5.    Saves Time

Social media has allowed us to save the majority of our time and utilize it somewhere productive. It enables us to communicate in an effective manner. Education can be received in the comfort of our home through distance learning or live streaming of classes offered. Teenagers improve their network all by being active on the social forums. It is easier to stay in touch with friends and family through WhatsApp and Skype calling. The posting on social media updates everyone within seconds. No need to glance at the newspaper every morning to get updated about current happening.

Negative Effects of Social Media

1.    Source of Anxiety and Depression

Social media use has often resulted in high level of anxiety and stress. The teenagers mostly compare themselves with their friends on social media and perceive inadequacies if others are better at something which affects their life

2.    Cyber Bullying

It is one of the main ills of the social media because of the anonymity it offers. It increases the risk of violence, sex abuse, and threats can result in deep emotional scars. It has long-lasting effects that are carried through to adulthood.

3.    Thwarts Our Independence Thinking

The independence thinking of the youth is jeopardized with the use of social media as a result of peer pressure. The drive to fit in has negative effect on persons own idea or thought because of the fear of criticisms

4.    Reduces Productivity

The young generation is mostly found loafing around on the internet instead of spending their time in a productive task. They waste their so much time on these platforms that at the end they have to buy an assignment for the online service providers. They spend hours on social media stalking, checking updates and reacting to the activities of their friends. It has become a platform for advertising rather than a communicating one.

5.    Threat to Privacy

The risk of networking on social media among youth is the loss of privacy. Social media creates a digital footprint whichever sites we visit, the comments we make and the post we share. This can have some serious repercussion in future at both personal and professional level.

Social media has become a basic need for the individuals, therefore, it is essential that we educate the youth on the usage of social media. There should be an open discussion on social network etiquettes that will help foster a healthy behavior.