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What Are The Reasons To Use jQuery In Web Development?

jquery development company

Javascript and JQuery are always up for discussion. However, jQuery exists because javascript was born first, though they serve different purposes. I mean javascript can live by itself but jQuery cannot. Now javascript is a raw programming language which has been in use by IT professionals since ages allowing the client-side to interact with the user, alter the document content, communicate asynchronously etc. While on the other hand, JQuery is a javascript library designed to ease the client-side scripting of HTML. With the availability of a large number of libraries, it turns out to be fast, concise and quite flexible.

I personally feel that JQuery is one of the best development tools available since its emergence years ago. In fact, several studies have revealed that more than 65% of the top 10000 popular sites on the internet are built with the help of a reliable jQuery development company. The open-source javascript library is specially designed to make it easier to use HTML for client-side scripting. It may also interest you to know that, to perform basic javascript one needs to have in-depth programming knowledge while when it comes to jQuery, it is a fast, simple and concise platform that allows a software developer to create an eye-catching website.

Why you should be using jQuery instead of javascript?

JQuery promotes simplicity:

Most of the developers find jQuery intuitive and as the library is built on shorter and simple code it turns out to be quite easy to learn. Moreover, a JQuery developer doesn’t have to be programming experts or web designing professionals to create beautiful looking sites. Any professional who has the potential to spent hours coding and testing CSS will surely appreciate the simple implementation that brings jQuery to the table.

No worries even if the Javascript is disabled:

Many times certain parts of the page may render incorrectly especially when Adobe flash isn’t installed on the given browser. This is not only annoying for the user; it also forces the developer to spend lots and lots of time coding for the browser that lack the flash plug-in. But with the emergence of numerous jQuery development companies, manipulating the HTML DOM has become one of the most widely accepted practices in order to render the content even if javascript is disabled in the browser. In addition to this, there is no more worrying about the browser settings either.

Integrated with the visual studio IDE:

JQuery incorporates visual studio extension makes it easy for the programmer to add, remove and update libraries and tools in Visual studio projects that use the .Net framework. The intellisense feature of the studio gives the developer an immediate access to jQuery methods and syntax without having to leave code view to do research.

JQuery makes animated applications much like Flash:

Flash developers are not cheap. In fact, developing in flash takes years of practice to be able to create the movie-like creations that made flash so famous. All thanks to JQuery, with the basic knowledge of all marked-up technologies such as CSS, Ajax, javascript and HTML, jQuery development company can succeed in creating great-looking effects that will keep your audience engaged.

Pages load at a faster pace:

Google and other search engine pages that take more load time affect the site’s ranking to a great extent. The only beneficial way to reduce the size of your code is by using HTML and CSS base that allows you to make some uniform adjustments. Now much like CSS, jQuery files are stored from the web page itself. This lets the software developers make notification of the entire site through one central repository. Moreover, JQuery even gives you the option of loading div tags only when you need them.

SEO friendly:

No matter how appealing site you create, the site is of no use if it’s not SEO friendly. Yes, the way you code the website directly affects the way it can be ranked on famous search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. JQuery can be optimized for search engines with the help of a wide range of plug- ins available in the market. Another SEO advantage of the JQuery-HTML 5 combo worth mentioning is that animations can be loaded with keywords that can be read by search engines.

So that’s all for now! I am sure your business sooner or later will have to deliver content to a variety of different platforms, including desktop, tablets, and smartphones. Thus, choosing a reliable JQuery development company is a solution worth considering.