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Peeping Behind the Clockwork of Marriage

The sacred bond of holy matrimony is a thing not to be tread around lightly, or so say the religious scriptures of every major religion on this planet. Marriage is certainly not a new concept. For all we know, even the hunter-gatherers of old practiced it. As the eons passed by, the idea changed and evolved along with the generation that adopted it. 

In a broad, clinical sense of categorizing, marriages are mainly of two kinds. This is based on the primary reason for the marriage taking place, since the basic concept stays the same in either case, and everything else remains, more or less, the same.


Love marriages

When two people marry, it is usually a well thought out decision and is being carried out of their own volition. When they love each other, it becomes, for them, the natural next step. 

Prevalent in developed nations for the most part, love marriages are an advanced concept that do not seek to fulfill other goals like, propagation of the family name through offspring, financial reasons, and simply having a partner to get through the rigors of life. In advanced societies, these concerns are non-existent. People of both sexes are independent and, usually, earn monthly wages. 

As such, marriage becomes more of a luxury than anything else, in that there are no necessities attached with the reason to carry it out. The individuals do it simply because they want to, and usually, the reason of their wanting so, is love. 

Even science says so

For everyone out there, the non-believers, skeptics, and the ones who disagree with everything, take a seat because we have science on our side too. According to the genetic laws and laws of inheritance proposed by Thomas Morgan and many other scientists, parents from vastly different gene pools create superior offspring than the ones from the same community. 

This is based on the laws of inheritance of alleles and elimination of inferior traits, the reason behind farmers cross-breeding crops. In a recent study conducted among 350,000 people from 100 communities spread over 4 continents, it was found that love marriages resulted in offspring who were taller and cognitively superior to ones who resulted from arranged marriages, which brings us to; 

Arranged marriages

Hugely popular in our country, arranged marriages form the bedrock of Indian society. There’s a ninety-five percent probability that your great-grandparents did it, your grandparents did it, your parents did it, and you’ll do it too. You might not but that’s not the point, in India, that’s just how things work. From purohits to beauticians to chatterbox aunts, all of them have played their role in increasing the population. 

However, in the digital age, that role has been relegated to the internet and marriage bureaus. These websites, say, a marriage bureau in Punjab, make the individual register, with or without an entrance fee, and according to their search filters, match them up with respective people of the opposite/same sex, with marriage matrimonial Punjabi being another great example.

In the end, it all comes down to the individual’s choice and how they want to spend their life. If you’re the arranged marriage kind of guy, go online and fill out a form posthaste, and if you’re the other kind, well, stop reading this article and go out and meet someone.