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The Hindu Wedding Custom

In Hindu Dharma, their tradition and culture means a lot. They respect parents, women, elders and teachers. So, Hindu kids are cultured and sober. In Hindu Dharma, everything varies from region to region means their food, language, tradition, culture, lifestyle, environment, and their marriage ceremony also. So, according to their tradition the invitation designer designs different type of Hindu Wedding Cards.

Hindu Wedding Cards are very attractive and classic. Before sending cards to relatives the Hindu people first invite God, means they do the wedding card puja at Temple. Then only they start sending invitations to relatives, near and dears.

The Hindu Wedding Custom

What are the Hindu Dharma Wedding Customs, Rites and Rituals?

Rather than India, people who are in abroad like America, London, Germany and other foreign country are also celebrating their marriage ceremony in same style they were celebrating before 10 years. Because everything, each and every puja ingredients, invitation cards and costumes are available in every country. You can also get Indian Wedding Cards in USA, Japan, London, Dubai, Hong Kong and many more foreign countries. Therefore, people are easily celebrating and organizing marriage parties. Coming to the right point, the Hindu wedding include the following rite and rituals.

  1. Ganesh Puja

The ceremonial starts with prayer and puja of Lord Ganesha. Ganesha removes all the darkness and obstacles for future. That’s why Ganesha is Known as Vighna Vinashaka. The lord saves the newly married couple from every problem.

  1. Raksha Bandhan

Threads are tied on both bride and groom separately on their own hands. Wedding is the root of a new relation between two people. So, the thread protects this beautiful relation.

  1. Kanya Daan

The Kanya Daan is the most great thing means purest ritual for parents. At the time of wedding the father of bride hand over the bride’s hand to the groom. From that time the Groom will protect his wife from every obstacles.

  1. Mahurat

Before the marriage ceremony, the pandit consider the date of birth of both bride and groom, calculate the situation of planets and stars whether they are in favourable place or not for marriage. The impact of planets means a lot to the newly-wed couple. So the astrologer calculate everything and decide or fix a date for marriage.

After doing the above things, during marriage bride and groom exchange the garlands, then the groom make wear the bride Mangal Sutra. At the same time the Pandit does Homam for Graha shanty and worship God for giving blessings to the newly-wed couple and shower lots of love for their happy married life.