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The Domestic Moving Tips Your Sanity Will Thank You For

Depending on the way you go about the moving process, relocating to a new home can be one of life’s true joys or a nightmare of other-worldly proportions. What’s interesting however is the way in which the vast majority of movers make the assumption that the whole thing is in the lap of the Gods and they’ve really no control over how smooth or otherwise things will progress. What will be, will be – exactly the kind of attitude that breeds horrific moves you may wish you hadn’t bothered making!

The good news however is that for those willing to inject a little proactivity into the affair, ensuring a smooth and (almost) enjoyable move really isn’t rocket science. Yes, there’s some effort to be made and no, you can’t expect things to go 100% to plan across the board, but as far as the experts at JC Removals are concerned, it really is largely in your own hands as to how things turn out.

Plan Ahead…WAY Ahead

For example, there’s nothing more important than making sure you get started with a plan as far ahead of the moving day as possible. Like it or not, there’s a hell of a lot you’re going to have to do with things like organising packing materials, prioritising what to take and in which order, what you’ll be leaving behind, how to get the pets moved and so on and so forth. Suffice to say it’s hardly the kind of stuff you should be mulling over the night before, so unless you plan to have a professional moving company do literally everything on your behalf, plan your own jobs and duties far, far ahead of time.

The Domestic Moving Tips Your Sanity Will Thank You For

Quality Packing Materials

When it comes to packing your bits and pieces for transit, the importance of using quality packing materials cannot be overstated. The reason being that there’s really nothing in the world that can spoil a home move more than finding a bunch of your most treasured possessions have been broken along the way – that or half the boxes you’ve used have fallen to pieces and increased the effort you have to put in three-fold. It’s not like quality packing provisions are expensive and nor is it an expense you’ll have to deal with many times in your lifetime – it’s therefore worth doing it right.

Good Communication

If you’d like you move to be anything but a disaster, there’s really no escaping the fact that you’re going to need the help of a professional removals company – that’s a fact. However, it’s not enough to just take a pro team on-board and expect everything to fall into place around you, as you’ll need to make sure you stay in good communication with those doing the work on your behalf. Sure, they’ll take care of pretty much every job, but they can’t be expected to instinctively know how and when you’d like each job tended to. The more open and consistent your communication with the moving team, the better the move you can expect as a result.

Think Ahead

With regard to your new home, have a plan in mind (or drawn out on paper) as to exactly how and where you’d like your stuff to be once you get it to where it’s going. This way, you can not only ask those assisting with the move to place the items as close as possible to where they’re going to stay, but you’ll also save yourself a million and one headaches trying to decide on everything in real-time when you’ve arrived.

Research the Area

If you’re looking to make the move into an unfamiliar urban centre or city of any kind, it’s a VERY good idea to research the surroundings very slightly at least before going ahead with the move itself. The reason being that not only may it be very difficult or less than obvious as to how the van can or should access the new property, but you might be heading to an area where parking for more than three minutes at any one time is strictly forbidden. It’s all a case of avoiding nasty surprises on the big day and only takes a short time to look into.

Don’t Lose Track of Valuables

Last but not least, something that cannot be overstated is the importance of making a list and triple-checking where your most valuable bits and pieces are prior to going ahead with the move. It’s not as if it’s likely that you’ll lose your priceless jewellery on the way of course, but the last thing you want is to find yourself in a frantic scramble to find it on the other day having completely forgotten which box you packed it in…nightmare!