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Picking Your Next International Travel Destination

While the prospect of any vacation makes us feel all happy, there is something particularly exciting about going abroad to a new country for the first time. Seeing new ways of life and culture is one of the best ways to broaden our horizons. Even with budget considerations and areas of the world considered, you still have a large array of countries from which to choose, and it can seem like a hard choice to make. Here are just a few considerations to help make your decision.

Choose a Trip that Allows for Your Preferred Travel Style as Much as Possible

There are lots of different ways to travel, from full on luxury to the bare bones experience and a few shades in between. If you are like most people, you can’t just spend what you want without a second thought. If you are operating on some sort of budget, it is important to consider the cost of a vacation in the various areas being ‘vetted,’ and how you prefer to travel. For example, if you are considering Southeast Asia, somewhere like Singapore is going to cost a lot more than a country like Vietnam. In the former, 20 dollars a night might get you a bed in a shared room in a really basic hostel, while that same amount can get you a pretty nice private hotel room in the latter.

Go Where You Want

This might sound like a weird suggestion; of course you’re not going to go where you don’t want. But, it is easy to get caught up in feeling like you should hit the most touristed hot spots in a particular area because that is the place to be obviously. But, if you are leaning towards somewhere else, go there. Follow your intuition. So, if you are thinking Bulgaria instead of Italy for your European getaway, go for it. If Malaysia seems more interesting than Thailand, Malaysia it is.

Lots of off the beaten path places often have the same offerings at cheaper prices and with less people, and you can still find a decent amount of ‘tourist’ stuff to keep you comfortable. If you want a real cultural experience along with some lazing on the beach, instead of hitting the packed sand of Thailand, why not research some Sri Lanka beach resorts? Nicaragua and Honduras have lots of lush jungle and nature activities on par with more expensive Costa Rica.

What Do You Want to Do?

Again, this might seem like an odd question that really doesn’t need much thought, but you want to give it a bit to ensure you maximize your experience, and pick an appropriate destination. What sort of vacation are you looking to take? What do you want to do? How interested are you in having ‘authentic’ experiences? Do you want to be somewhere where there are lots of other tourists? What are your preferences weather-wise?

If you follow these three tips, you are well on your way to picking the right spot for your next trip. Happy travels!