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Impress Your Friends With Curtains Fit For The Queen

Want a home fit for a queen? Who doesn’t! Even if you’re not lucky enough to have a royal title or the keys to Buckingham palace, you can still give your home the right royal treatment. You don’t have to completely revamp your home either, just follow these simple tips.

Firstly, the Floor

Is your carpet looking a bit shabby? You might be thinking about replacing it, a costly and time-consuming job for any homeowner. It’s also something that often isn’t necessary. It might sound obvious, but giving your carpet a deep clean can give it an instant lift, making it look brand new again in no time at all.

You can easily hire someone to come and clean your carpets, with many firms specialising in environmentally friendly carpet cleaner so there’s no lingering chemical smell. You can even hire a carpet cleaning machine yourself to spruce up your floors in double quick time. If you’ve got wooden floors the solution is simple – a quick varnish and they’re instantly refreshed.

Now the walls

Every savvy decorator knows that wallpaper is more trouble than it’s worth. Trying to line it all up, messing around with paste, cutting the right length… and it’s so much harder to keep looking good.

Stick to paint, as it’s much easier to refresh your walls when they’re looking a bit worn. It also means you can get creative with the pattern. Go back to basics by making a stamp out of sponges or cut out a stencil using cardboard.

Just remember to practice on some scrap paper first before you unleash your creativity onto your newly painted walls. Create a border of fleur-de-lis to give your décor the real royal seal of approval or create a focal point on one wall. Just remember to keep it elegant – the royals wouldn’t have it any other way!

Next, the Furniture

Keeping your fabric sofas, chairs and cushions is really important. You may not notice the slow build up of dust and grime in your own home, but your guest certainly will! Give everyrthing a regular clean!

Lastly, Time to Clean the Curtains

Refreshing your floors and walls will give your home an instant revamp, but having dirty, dusty curtains is sure to ruin the effect. Curtains can be pretty tricky to clean as they’re often made from heavy, stiff fabrics.

Add in the lining and the ring tops and you’re best off leaving the cleaning to the professionals. It’s simple to hire in a team to do all of the hard work, including removing your curtains and then rehanging them once they’ve been cleaned – meaning you don’t have to spend hours balancing on a stepladder fighting with the curtain poles.

Companies such as Pilgrim Payne clean upholstery and fabrics so you can get your sofas, cushions and rugs done in one fell swoop. They’re even officially recognised as a supplier to the HM The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales, so your home with really be fit for the queen if she ever decides to drop in for a spot of afternoon tea!

Graham Doyle is the director of Pilgrim Payne & Co, who have developed an excellent reputation as specialist cleaners of soft furnishings. Pilgrim Payne & Co are officially recognised as a supplier to the HM The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales.