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Finding Properties On A Mobile Platform

Are you currently exploring the real estate market for India? If this is the case, you will quickly find that the market is full of properties, which are nice, spacious and cheap. Therefore, you will have to scour through many more options, in order to find one that fits your needs the best. Therefore, you’re going to have to explore more properties and spend more time finding the best property, which can be tedious. Therefore, you should rely on technology to find these properties in a much easier and straightforward manner. This is what you will be able to do, whenever you check out the Mobile application. This is currently the best free download property app android, which will make your search easier. In this guide, you will learn all about this application.

Taking a Tour with the App 

With the Application, the user will be able to explore a variety of different features including the amazing photo gallery option. With this option, the user will be able to explore properties, by looking at pictures. These pictures can be viewed in a small format, but they can also be blown up and displayed fully on the screen, as you can see in the image above. With this ability, you will be able to explore these properties easily and find one that looks beautiful to you. From the screen above, you can switch from picture to picture, by using your fingers and moving left or right.

Finding Properties On A Mobile Platform

Exploring By Pictures 

There are two different ways to explore available properties. With the method above, you will be able to explore the properties in a more detailed list format, which will show you the property’s price, rating and overall type. On the other hand, you will be able to use an aerial view to explore the city, while checking out properties, which are displayed on the map, as blue blocks. Of course, the map will not show you picture right away like you get from the pictures above. With the map, you will have to click on the blocks, in order to view the pictures.

Finding Properties On A Mobile Platform

Explore More Detailed Information 

When you begin explore the app, you will eventually make your way to the property screen above. This is a very effective way to check out the properties, since it will show you the price of the property, rating and number of pictures. Of course, this will also show you the property’s available parking, whether or not breakfast is available and laundry options. Also, on this specific screen, you will be able to check out the features for contacting a landlord, adding a note or sharing the property information with a friend or family member.


When it comes down to it, the application is near perfect, but it is not. It could benefit from some added area selections. However, the application is very effective and will provide you with the ability to scour properties easily, without killing yourself. Remember it is completely free of ads. Therefore, it is definitely worth a download.