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Amazing and Unbelievable Love Story Of American Couple

It is commonly found to be heard that, the love can die never. It’s very nice to hear. But most of the time, this thing seems to not coming true. Because the fake lovers may stay far from you whenever you need them the most. You can find out the real and fake friends, when you are about to face any troubles in your life. Recently the news has been got of a true lover.  Keith Borum and Nina Scott can be a great example of pure love. Because the fear of death also could not make them apart from each other. Prime example of such love can be seen on this page.

This story is about New York. A man named Keith Borum, who used to stay in New York for his works and livelihood. He had a girlfriend named Nina Scott. They used to love each other very much and ready to co-operate any time or in any situation. But one day, suddenly Keith Borum had to face some unbearable pains and rushed to the emergency of Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip, New York for the primary treatment. But with a great surprise, there he came to know that, he had cancer and it reached its final stage.  By getting this astonishing news, Keith just shuttered and lost all the hopes of his life. The doctors also declared that he had very short life and had to admit to the hospital immediately.

Because of the doctor’s declaration, Keith had to admit in the hospital for the long period. He had to take very powerful medicines and therapies as a treatment. But it may know to all that the cancer can’t be totally cured within a certain period. But by maintaining a balanced routine, the patient may lead a quite longer life than the earlier.

However, in spite of facing this kind of hard situation, Keith’s loving girlfriend Nina didn’t leave his support for even a single time. She all time supported him every time, whether it’s bad or good. Even whenever, Keith is admitted in the hospital for three years, Nina used to visit him every day. Keith always desired for a happy married life with Nina. But his fatal disease didn’t let him do this. He always talked about his relationship with the doctors, nurses and the other stuffs. One day a nurse talked to Nina about Keith’s wishes and made her agree to marry Keith.

It was just surprising moment for Keith whenever Nina agreed to marry him in such health condition. The stuffs of the hospital organized all the arrangements at the hospital on 9th July. They kept flowers, candles, cards and whatever may be needed in a wedding. Moreover, a nurse also bought a wedding ring which is about $400. Keith and Nina exchanged their rings and said “I do” and their marriage took place. Everything completed with a great joyous and happy moment. Even Nina said with a smiling face that it doesn’t a matter for her that for how many days she got Keith as her husband, she only got him, and that’s enough for her.