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5 Top Packing Tips

The prime family holiday season is almost over, the kids will be back at school before we know it and you’ll be back to normal family routine life. That’s not the case for everyone though! As we’re all aware, holiday prices rocket in July and August which is why many young couples and groups of friends will be holidaying after the peak season in September. Let’s face it, it’s a much better time of the year to take your holiday. It’s cheaper, the resorts are less crowded and don’t have screaming children everywhere you turn!

Holiday packing is a tedious activity, I personally hate it! I always forget an essential and never seem to get it right. This is largely down to the fact I’m fairly unorganised and tend to leave it until the last minute. However this year, I’m getting organised! I’ve even made myself a tick sheet and notes – I’m determined that I won’t be forgetting my beach towel and bikini this year!

So with my determination in hand, I thought I would share some top tips I’ve found along the way…

  1. List Your Essentials

You might not think about your everyday necessities as you’ll become too focussed on flip flops, beach towels and kaftans! Think about what you use every day, and what you might need on your holiday. For example your reading glasses, after all you will probably spend a good amount of time on a sun lounger with a book! Do you have any medication you take at home too? You don’t want to forget anything that you need!

  1. Plan Outfits Ahead

I find it extremely hard to pack if I haven’t mentally planned out a good portion of my outfits. I usually have a think then jot down a few pre-planned outfits so I know which direction to head in when I haul out my wardrobe and attempt to choose clothing. It saves time and stress, you don’t want to be panicking when you’re abroad and have no tops to match with that lovely skirt you bought!

  1. Liquids Under Control

Don’t make the mistake of just chucking your lotions, potions and sunscreen into your suitcase at the last minute. Ensure that they’re all in a sealed plastic bag! Our suitcases aren’t exactly handled with care so any knocks could result in a shampoo explosion! You definitely don’t want your holiday wardrobe ruined before you even get your destination!

  1. Space Saving

If like me, you have *rather* a large collection of clothing that you NEED to take away with you then space saving is totally necessary. Roll your clothes instead of folding as this allows for more space. Also think logically, put socks in shoes and anything that you can’t fit in can always go in your hand luggage! Check out these genius space saving tips for more inspiration!

  1. Converse With Your Fellow Traveller

Unless you’re travelling alone then you should have a chat with your travel buddy or buddies to see what they’re taking. For example, do a group of five girls all need a bottle of shampoo and conditioner each for just one week? No! Share items out between you, so you don’t end up with 5 hairdryers, straighteners and the rest!

So here we go, a few top tips that will hopefully help you on the way to some successful holiday packing! It’s all about preparation, don’t fall short and end up with a holiday crisis!