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5 Tips To Get Through Nursing School At The Top Of Your Class

5 Tips To Get Through Nursing School At The Top Of Your Class

Nursing school can be challenging as you learn to balance your time among difficult classes. Not only do you want to pass, you want to be the best! Here’s how to get there.

1. Talk to your Professors

Don’t be afraid to ask about anything. Professors are there to answer your questions, not to lead you by the nose. Did you learn about a procedure you’re not sure you really understand? You’ll never get ahead if you don’t ask.

2. Join a Study Group

If your class or school already has a group that meets up regularly to work through the material, be sure to attend. If there isn’t one in place, start one! Nursing is not a competitive career; you’ll end up working closely alongside your peers. Cooperating is crucial, and studying with others helps to cement facts in your own memories.

3. Follow a Well-designed Course of Study and Consider the Professors

Before you even start your nursing program, research your school to be sure their course is planned well and will allow you to move right into the NCLEX-RN licensing exam. Schools like ASA College has such a program. The school will help you make sure that you have the right coursework to achieve your license. If you truly want to end up at the top of the class, you need an excellent structure for it. Check out your professors beforehand, too, because no one gets good grades with a bad teacher.

4. Keep your Study Materials Well Organized

Take clear notes, read assigned material well before class, and write down exam dates on your calendar. When it comes to class notes, especially, keep them not just legible but neatly ordered. Don’t mix diagnostic observations with ethical standards, for example. Come up with a system and stick to it.

5. Make Sure to Sleep and Eat Well!

It’s easy to neglect your own needs when you have tests to prepare for. However, there’s no surer way to fall from the top than to forget about yourself. Maintain healthy nutrition so you’ll always be at peak capability for yourself and your patients. Also, good rest, especially the night before an exam, will keep you able to concentrate.

Now go forth and study. Soak up all the knowledge you can, and remember, you are your own best study buddy. If you follow these tips and work hard, you will be the top of your class, and every patient you see in the future will be lucky to have you there.