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5 Common Mistakes That You Need To Avoid When Moving Houses

Think about how many times you have moved? Was it always smooth? You might have experienced a bad service or broken fixtures. All of that could have been avoided if you would have know about the five common mistakes and steps you should take to smart house moving.

1. Calling Companies through Newspaper Ads:

According to statistics, one of the most common mistakes an individual makes when choosing a removal company is calling only one company from a newspaper advertisement and not checking for references. When selecting a moving company you should always contact multiple moving service providers to compare prices. You should also always check for customer references and experiences by going online. Look for online presence of the company, their corporate website and customer feedback about them. If there is no mention of the company at all, that can be as alarming as having only negative mentions. This company might be fraudulent, a one day scam that you should stay away from.

2. Not Looking at Reviews:

Customer genuine reviews are sometimes hard to find. Today companies often post reviews about themselves and bash the competition. In order for you to choose the best service you need to see customer reviews but how can you distinguish real reviews versus fake once? Look for a mix of bad and good reviews. If company only has good reviews that should be a red flag, how can a moving company perform perfectly 100% of the time? It’s simply impossible to please everyone the same and sometimes things do go wrong. On the other hand if the company has only negative reviews then you should be puzzled. Look at the language of the reviews, does the review describe what happened or does it over inflate the situation to make it sound more dramatic? Upset customers usually post maximum a paragraph of five to seven lines say what happened and that they would recommend the company. However competitors try to over inflate emotions to make you feel like this moving company isn’t trustworthy.

3. Picking Based on Price:

Picking the cheapest shipping or moving company can have disastrous consequences. You may discover that your belongings were not treated with care, that damages are not covered and that some of your boxes have gone missing without any explanation. Such incidents occur more frequently then you may think, thus it is necessary to pick the best service that matches your budget and not the price that matches your frugality.

4. Not Asking for Insurance:

In order to avoid damage of furniture and your belongings make sure to request for insurance. Insurance come in different forms, thus you must make sure to read the fine print and understand what exactly does your insurance cover. Many companies tend to trick customers by providing insurance that does not cover transportation damage. Meaning that any damage that has been conducted on the truck or when bringing the furniture to your new apartment will not be covered. This suggests that you in reality do not have any insurance during your move. It is of paramount that you ask all the questions and understand all the points in your insurance agreement. There is no point on paying for something that does not bring in any benefit.

5. Not Asking Additional Questions:

Many avoid asking the technical questions and then suffer from it. You should always ask what type of truck you will have to transport your belongings. Will the truck be open or closed? How many trucks will the moving company provide? For your apartment size how many movers will you have and how long will the move take? In case if the movers do not finish the move on the expected time, will they go overtime or will they come the next day? Will the movers put up all the fixtures for you? All these questions should be cleared up before hand and be put in writing, so that later you will not have any surprises.

If you are looking for good movers in the UAE, with genuine customer reviews and with accreditation contact