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Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

Valentine's Day Survival Guide

Whether you’re the affectionate that scoffs at the anticipation of V-day but gets emotionally blackmailed into affairs article for your girl, or are the blazon that agilely affairs aggregate from the accomplishments music to the allowance for the day, actuality are a few tips you should accumulate in apperception while authoritative V-day plans.

For Him:

‘I adulation you’ isn’t a aces up line

Please, accumulate in apperception that this day is not for you to acknowledge your adulation to a babe you almost apperceive or met aloof yesterday! ‘I Adulation You’ is not a aces up line. Use it, and you completely sabotage your affairs of a abutting date with her.

Chocolate, roses etc — No

While roses and chocolates are absolutely sweet, they’re cliche. They can be an add-on to a better, added anxious gift.

Personalise your gifts

Since you apperceive her brand and dislikes, accomplish abiding you accord her article claimed — like a song or a composition you wrote for her, or her favourite book. Even better, broil for her — maybe a heart-shaped muffin. No amount how blowzy it turns out to be, women adulation the little accomplishment you put in for them.

Match her mush-factor

Fact check: Not all girls like admirable celebrations. Save yourself and your babe some embarrassment and afore planning a anniversary or a gift, apperceive her sensibilities and bout it.

Make her feel special

She ability accumulate harping on how February 14 is actual ‘commercial’ or that ‘love doesn’t acquire aloof one day’ but hey, you aloof charge a acumen to celebrate, right? Accomplish her feel special.

For Her:

Make an effort

V-Day isn’t ‘Women’s Day’ area alone you get pampered. Accomplish an accomplishment to accomplish the day appropriate for him too. After all, Valentine’s Day is for ‘couples’.

Don’t abash him

Men usually aren’t the doughy kinds, so unless you appetite him to end up actuality the bedlam banal at his abode or college, don’t accelerate a big boutonniere of flowers or some such things! And absolutely accord those greeting cards with abominable curve a miss. Accumulate it simple.

Do article fun

Romantic candle-light dinner, chocolates etc etc., aloof cut the concoction out, girls. For a change, why not do article fun? Like activity bowling or arena laser tag. He is absolutely gonna adulation it!

Don’t pressurise him

There is one important affair you charge to apperceive about men — they are not as alive as women. So don’t apprehend him to bout your activity and PDA. Do not assail him with calls, letters and reminders of how appropriate the day is. This way, you’ll alone end up authoritative it a appalling day for him. While it’s acceptable to altercate your plans, consistently bugging him with questions like back and area to meet, what to wear, banausic blah, will alone prove to be a dampener. Do not nag. Instead, delay for him to alarm you.

Don’t boycott his efforts

If your man gives you aloof a rose or a dress that you already have, don’t draft the moment abroad by saying, “Oh, but I already acquire this”. Be accommodating and acquire it. Learn to acknowledge him for his anxious gestures. It’s abundant added acceptable than not accepting someone, to allotment the day with, isn’t it, ladies?