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Treatments Options For Nail Psoriasis

Despite how ghastly fingernail and toenail psoriasis looks, the condition is benign and therefore, not contagious. Sometimes, no matter how much a sufferer reassures others that the condition poses no risk to them, they still cringe when the person gets too close.

The unsightly nature of nail psoriatic disease can cause the kind of social stigma that leads to psychological stress and depression in the sufferer.

A person with just toenail psoriasis can easily hide his secret by keeping his feet covered with socks. However, if the issue extends to the fingernails, hiding it is not as simple.

People with fingernail psoriasis have to function efficiently, so no matter how bad they may want to, they can’t walk around hiding their hands in their pockets.

Some signs of Nail Psoriasis can include:

What Causes the Condition?

Although the actual cause of psoriatic nail disease is not known, medical experts believe that it can result from a combination of genetic, environmental and immunologic factors. The condition does not discriminate. It can affect both males and females, as well as people from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Treatment Options

Psoriasis of the nail is tough to treat because the condition attacks the nail as it forms. Unfortunately, there are no known cures. The only thing the sufferers can do is manage the condition to improve its appearance, and keep fungus and infections at bay, according to theNational Psoriasis Foundation.

Medical Care

 Many people prefer to use vitamin A or D steroid creams or ointments that physicians prescribe. Patients rub these topical medicines directly on the nails hoping for relief. In most instances, their hopes are shattered as these topical treatments have a hard time penetrating the nail plate, so they are not very effective.

Doctors can also use a combination or drug and UV light therapy to manage nail psoriasis. Many people with psoriasis on toenails and fingernails are prone to fungal infections. If the doctor detects a fungus, he will prescribe an antifungal medication to treat it.

If psoriasis is bad and treatments are ineffective, the doctor may recommend surgical removal of the nail. This procedure is done while the patient is anesthetized. Many people with nail psoriasis eventually end up with psoriatic arthritis. If arthritis is present, a medical professional may treat it with oral or injectable forms of FDA approved meds.

The Natural Way

  many sufferers prefer the natural approach to managing their condition. Trimming the nails back can keep them from rubbing against surfaces and causing damage. Any type of trauma to the nail bed can exacerbate psoriasis and cause infections. In addition, sufferers can reduce their risk of infections and severe outbreaks by keeping the nails clean and dry.

Dealing with nail psoriatic disease can leave an individual stigmatized and shunned by others. While there is no cure for the ailment, sufferers can use a combination of medical and natural treatments to improve the look of the nails and to prevent worsening of the condition

+Dr.Lee  Eberting blogs regularly about skin problems, treatment and after care at