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Top Tips To Choose Your Website Hosting Company

Top Tips To Choose Your Website Hosting Company
You have your website made and now it’s time to get it online. The question is which is the best hosting company around? There are just so many to choose between and all seem to offer something that you could possibly need. Getting the right hosting company for you is important, so here are some considerations to make to choose the right one.

Remember Unlimited Doesn’t Mean Unlimited

If a hosting company is promising unlimited data or unlimited domain names, keep in mind that this isn’t physically possible. There will be a cap at some point, but some will offer more space than others. When you opt for shared hosting, you will still be with hundreds of other websites, so there is only so much space that you can take up. If you do start using more, you will be shut down and moved onto a more expensive plan.
Don’t let the promise of “unlimited” space lure you in. Keep looking at other factors.

The Downtime Needs To Be Minimal

There will be downtime. No company can promise 100% uptime because technology does go down now and then. What you want to look for is a company that promises to keep the downtime to a minimum and follows up on that promise. You can find out about this by checking reviews. Customers will happily tell you if there is an issue with the websites going down on a regular basis.

Including The Domain Name

When you buy shared hosting, some companies will offer you the domain name as part of the cost. However, you want to consider whether this is worth opting for. It sounds great at first, but you will have to pay the cost back for the domain name should you choose to leave the hosting company before the end of the year. Also, that domain name is only paid for during the first year. After that, you will need to pay for it out of your own pocket.
If you want multiple domain names, you will need to pay for each one. Only the first one will be included in your price.

Check The File Access System

Many website hosts will now use cPanel systems. However, you need to double check this before you select a web host. cPanel systems are very easy to understand, but you could find yourself using ISPConfig or ispCP. If you are moving systems, you want to move to something that you’re used to, otherwise you will spend extra time learning the new system.

The Website Builder

If you haven’t quite finished your website, you may want to use the website builder tools within the web host. This is another important factor to consider as many web builders are for that particular host. The website cannot easily be migrated across to a different host should you choose to. You want to find systems that work with content management systems like WordPress and Joomla for easier migration.
Think about your website needs and the truth behind the things a website host company will tell you. This helps you find the system that will work best for your exact needs instead of having to make unnecessary changes. For more information about the web technical needs click here.
Author Bio:
This guest post was written by Alice, a website developer. She has helped many businesses and individuals choose a web host company by explaining the various technical components involved.