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Tips For Maintaining And Sealing Natural Sandstone Tiles

The first step to maintaining your natural sandstone tiles is to use a sealer. A sealer helps to seal up all the pores of the stone which reduces the instances of moisture destroying the texture and look from the inside. It also help prevents stains from setting in the stone which can be near impossible to remove in the case of sandstone tiles. Since there are a number of sealers out there it is important that you’re familiar with the right types and then know how to maintain your tiles after the sealer has been applied.

Stone Sealer

There is a category of sandstone sealer which is often referred to as a natural sealer. This is a tested and tried weatherproof solvent type sealer which works great on both cement and natural stone tiles. The sealer happens to be extremely simple to use. The non-yellowing formulas in these sealers protects it from excessive staining, but not every natural sealer has this protection formula. Also the other benefit of natural sealers is that they impregnate the surface as well as seal it which enhances the color and ends up providing a great looking sheen. Since it is a breathable sealer it can easily be put on areas which have a hydrostatic pressure issue. These sealers are also much quicker to cure and dry as opposed to other types of sealers. For best results it is recommended that you read the directions on the bottle.

Power tips for applying natural Sandstone Tile Sealers:

 The Top Seal

This is a very durable surface sealer which is mainly meant to protect natural sandstone tiles from increasing wear and tear in addition to staining. Generally speaking the same top seal can be used on slate, terracotta, cement, natural stone, and vinyl too. The top seal is mostly used when there is a need to protect the tiles from trafficking, it’s easy to apply and ends up giving your tiles a glossy finish. It can easily be used for both exterior and interior application.

Power Tips for applying a top Seal:

 Maintaining your sandstone Tiles during everyday use

We assume that all your sandstone tiles have been sealed as mentioned above with either of the two sealers. Once your tiles are sealed you are protected in 80% of the cases. However, even sealed tiles can end up getting stained and dirty depending on how they are used. Below are a few tips to ensure that they continue looking as good as new.

Expert sandstone tile sellers like Australia based Artmar recommends that people redo the top coat every few months. It is also recommended that for best results people hire an expert to apply the coat. This ends up saving you money in the long term.


Mark has been selling and working with sandstone tiles for decades. Over the years he has authored a number of articles and blog posts about laying down and maintaining sandstone tiles. His articles and even his latest books are what many people use when they need to find information regarding maintaining their tiles.