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Tips For A Greener Work Environment

Going green at the office isn’t necessarily a difficult task and it can also save you quite a bit on your expenses and energy bills. It can have a huge impact on the environment as the office is one of the biggest energy users.  We spent a fair amount of time at the office or at work, so it stands to reason that the work environment is one of the places where we can be economical.  Here are some tips on how you can enhance your efforts to ‘go green’ in your office;

Purchase Remanufactured ink and Toner Cartridges

Remanufactured cartridges can produce the same quality as brand printer cartridges. The only difference with them is that they have been rebuilt using empty cartridges with new parts if required and refilled. They are tested to make sure that they produce the quality of printing as standard brand cartridges. Opting for recycled cartridges is not only cost effective, but can help the environment by lessening the demand for resources to build new ones.

Switch off unused equipment

This is one of the most obvious ways to save energy, but you will see the difference in your energy bill. Equipment left on standby will still use up energy, so whenever you leave the office, or a room, ensure that all equipment (Such as computers) is properly switched off. Purchase a timer for things such as lights in the event that people forget to turn them off when they leave a room.

Buy from a company that promotes ‘Going Green’

Companies that support the environment will stock items that are eco-friendly, like recycled paper. Purchasing from companies that are friendly towards the environment will provide you with the satisfaction you are helping the environment. Most office stationery suppliers stock eco-friendly office technology.

Adopt a work from Home policy

By encouraging a work from home policy, you can cut down on travelling to work, thus reducing the amount of greenhouse emissions. Not only can this result in happy employees, but it can also cut down on the amount of energy that is used in the office.

Change your Lighting

By purchasing energy efficient bulbs can be an effective means of reducing emissions and global warming. Change from conventional light bulbs to CFL bulbs, they cost a fraction of the price, use far less energy and can last longer.

Enforce a Recycling policy

Encourage your employees to recycle by setting up a central recycling bin for paper and any other materials. This can also be done through reminders such as posters which contain a message on how important it is to recycle. This can also be managed by designating recycle management to one person. Decide incentives for your employees by making it fun, rather than a chore.

These are only a selection of what you can do in your office to enforce a ‘green message’.  Other tips include opting for eco-friendly products that can be recycled at the same time. Speak to your office stationery supplier for more information on what ‘Green’ products would beneficial for your office. 

Harry Price is a guest blogger and personal trainer. He enjoys living life as a bachelor and playing competitive poker with his mates on the weekends.