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Tips For A Cleaner, More Energy Savvy Home

Most Important Things You Should Know About Basement Finishing

Have New Air Filters Installed in Your House Regularly

Replacing your home air filters is a must. It is important to have them checked by a professional every three months, especially if you have multiple pets, or asthma-sensitive family or kids in your home. Having fresh, clean, unused air filters in your house is the best way to combat any allergens, bacteria, dust and pollen that may be floating around the open spaces of your house. In addition to cleaning your air quickly and efficiently, they actually make your furnace work much harder if they are clogged with the dust and dirt that compiles itself over time, sending your gas bill reeling higher. For a cleaner house, make sure to make this simple task of getting new home air filters a priority, as it is relatively cheap, and is quick for a heating/cooling technician to install new ones for you if you don’t want to do it yourself.

Having Your Smoke Alarms Tested

Having reliable smoke alarms adds exponentially to how safe your house is. Make a plan to test them once a month in your house- it only takes 30 seconds- and having the extra security of knowing that there is something there to prevent a house fire is something you can’t afford to turn down. In the event that there is a fire in your house, smoke alarms need to be on and working- and have a good battery life to them, for your family’s safety. Most house fires are small, and don’t result in very much, if any damage to the house, however, seeing as how the majority of deaths from house fires are from smoke inhalation, it is important to know when there is a fire in your house- and the fastest route to escape in the event of a fire. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can always call in the fire department or local police and have them do it for you. Just call your city’s local non-emergency line for this kind of help.

Utilize Solar Panels to Save Energy

If saving money is something that hits home for you, consider having new solar panels installed in your house. More and more homes are having them installed on a daily basis because of their continuing rise in efficiency versus cost. The drawback is the short-term cost of installation. On the other hand, there are many  more facts about solar power that can help sway your opinion on the matter. In the long-term, however, the savings are enormous. With the average cost of electricity falling in each of the last five years, those who are installing solar panels for their house are racking up more savings than what was projected at the time of their installation.

All in all, these are some pretty quick and important changes that you can make to your home, during any season of the year to make it safer, healthier for you, and easier on the environment.