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The Benefits Of Cloud Based EPOS Software

POS systems have come a long way since the manual cash registers were invented. Today’s systems make use of computer hardware and software to conduct transactions. It is common to see these terminals at checkout points in retail stores and restaurants. When it comes to investing in an EPOS, business owners have to consider many things. The most important decision, though, that one has to make is whether to go for a standalone or cloud based point of sale application.

Cloud-based EPOS software operates much like a desktop-based application in that it stores data on local computers. The only difference with the two is that the cloud –based EPOS application also uploads data to an offsite server, usually called ‘the cloud’. An internet connection is required to facilitate the passing of information from local terminals to the central system. EPOS applications with this feature have become quite common these days. So, what is so special about them and should you get one for your business? Below is a list of advantages of cloud-based POS programs that attempts to answer that question.

Data Synchronization

Businesses that have multiple retail outlets in different locations can benefit the most from an Internet-based EPOS application. This is because the web-based program can share information between different terminals and the central server. So, you can have several retail stores record daily transactions and all the data is synchronized to create one merged daily sales report. This eliminates the need to transfer data using removal storage devices for further processing. In addition, changes made in prices automatically reflect across all chains. In essence, a cloud-based EPOS is very convenient and it helps to streamline data synchronization across different terminals.


Another instance where cloud based retail systems come quite in handy is when a business is conducting a trade fair or promotion at an offsite location. If products or services will be sold during the festival or event, it can be quite tiresome and to mention inconvenient to carry an entire PC POS system, including all its hardware, to the new location. With a cloud-based application that runs on mobile apps, you can continue to carry out transactions with your portable device and have all data stored in the central server. This eliminates the need to calculate everything by hand in case there is only one POS system for the main outlet store.

Offsite Backup

Apart from flexibility and synchronizing data across different terminals, internet-based point-of-sale applications allow businesses to back-up their data offsite. The same data is also located on local computers. However, having it backed up is a good way to counter issues of data loss, which can affect local computers at an outlet store in case of theft, malfunction, or fire disasters.

It is quite clear that internet-based EPOS applications provide useful benefits to all kinds of businesses. However, these applications require an internet connection in order to facilitate data sharing. If you choose to opt for this type of retail software, ensure to go for one that allows operations to continue even without an internet connection. The best cloud based POS applications allow the system to synchronize data when internet connectivity resumes.

This article was written by Scott Wallace, an entrepreneur and research writer. Scott has been in the retail sector for more than 6 years. Click here to learn about the reliable cloud-based POS system that he uses to run his business.