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The Advantages Of Indoor Plant Hire Versus Purchasing Plants

The Advantages Of Indoor Plant Hire Versus Purchasing Plants

Almost every organization nowadays is trying to do everything it can to ensure that they create the right environment for their employees. This is often required in order to reduce stress, improve air quality and improve aesthetics all so that worker productivity increases and downtime is reduced. This is one of the best ways to maximize profits. When it comes to improving the office environment indoor plant hire has had the best results and offers the best results per dollar value compared to any other technique. But many small and medium size business owners contemplate if they really want to hire a company and continue paying them a monthly fee or just buy the plants for a onetime cost. Below we look at a number of reasons why it may be in a business’s best interest to rent indoor plants.

You’re Hiring Professionals with the Plants

This is perhaps one of the major reasons why indoor plant hire beats having to buy your own plants. When you hire a company you are dealing with plant specialists, people who have raised hundreds if not thousands of plants over the years and supplied them to hundreds of offices. These people are in the best position to provide you with advice on the right types of plants for your office, based on how much light you receive, what type of work you do and indoor décor.

Office Plants can Improve the Work Environment

Almost all office buildings in Australia have been designed to be space and energy efficient. Many of the modern buildings which have come up over the past decade are designed to be well sealed and keep all the unwanted elements out but in doing so they also inevitably keep pollutants in. so, instead of having an expensive ventilation system installed in your office, an indoor plant specialist will recommend a plant or plants which will thrive in your space and help you achieve the results you would otherwise hope to get from an expensive ventilation system. The big difference being that plants are cheaper and natural.

You don’t have to Care about the Plants

From a business owner’s perspective hiring an indoor plant hire company means that they do not have to take care of these plants. This is one of the biggest advantages of hiring a company. Indoor plant hire companies will provide you with the assurance that the plants will be maintained and cared for regularly. These companies often have knowledgeable and experienced staff who are dedicated to attending to and maintaining your office’s plants, also plants that die or seem to become sick will be replaced free of charge, this will ensure that your work environment continues to remain fresh and healthy.

These Plants are Supplied in Stylish Containers

This is another big advantage of indoor plant hire companies. These companies depending on the décor and theme of your office will provide you with stylish containers which reflect the style of your office. As you change the décor and trends these specialists will also make certain recommendations when it comes to the style of the containers and even change them on a regular basis when they are damaged.

It Works out Cheaper

Indoor plant hire happens to work out to be a lot cheaper than buying plants and then hiring employees to take care of these plants so that they continue to look great. Consider the fact that maintaining a dozen or so plants in your office can suck up valuable resources, resources which you’d otherwise want to use to improve business. Specialists like Sydney based Posh Services have dozens of indoor plants as part of their plant hire service. Their specialists have been providing plants to businesses and individuals for decades, they know exactly what types of plants your office will require in order to achieve the best results. This is not possible when you are in the market for plants to keep indoors, mainly because there are so many of them out there and not every plant will be able to survive the rigors of indoor office life which is why many offices complain of these plants dyeing or getting sick.

Mark is one of the leading experts on indoor plant hire. He has been selling and growing plants for decades. His degree in botany and biology helps them grow some of the most exotic plants and rent them to office buildings. He has also trained dozens of people over the years but the core of his business and hobby still has to be landscaping and plant hire.