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Stop Smoking In Time For World Vaping Day

When it comes to meeting personal goals, whether it’s losing weight, cutting down on sweets, or – of course – stopping smoking; it helps to have definite and realistic timescales for you to work towards – after all, nobody expects you to just “stop” smoking overnight.  So if you’re thinking about stopping smoking this year, consider September 18th, 2014 as your ultimate cut-off point.  Not only does that give you a healthy and realistic timescale to gradually cut down on tobacco, but September 18th just happens to be World Vaping Day!

World Vaping Day is an international celebration of all things good about e-cigs.  This is because vaping has evolved far beyond an aid for quitting smoking – vaping is all about the community!  With the great-tasting vapours and the pleasure of being able to vape in pubs and restaurants, vaping can make the journey to stopping smoking fun – getting rid of those awful cold-turkey sweats, and replacing them with a great community of new and supportive friends who are fighting nicotine at the same time as you!

Since 2012, there have been two World Vaping Days, both of which have been massive successes all over the world, all over the US, Europe, Australia – and even south-east Asia!  The past two gatherings – usually held by local groups (you can even start your own!) – have featured a week or two of vaping-related activities, such as spreading awareness to help ease others out of vaping, helping get the word out to the press that e-cigs are a safe and easy way to kick the habit; or simply just having a couple of drinks down at the pub, whilst being able to enjoy a puff on your e-cigs with other members of the worldwide vaping community!

The World Vaping Day website promises that this year will see much of the same depending on where you are, and they even provide a handy interactive map, pointing out the hundreds of vaping events taking place all over the country and internationally, so there’s guaranteed to be something going on near you this September!  Even if you don’t manage to completely ween yourself off the old cigs altogether by September, you can go along to a local vaping event, and form a sturdy support-base of new friends, as well as inspiring yourself with some success stories!  You could even be one of those success stories yourself, and inspire a whole new generation of vapers to stop smoking and start vaping!

So what are you waiting for?  Get on the World Vaping Day website and look for a local event near you!  And if not, why not consider starting your own?  Vaping isn’t just about stopping smoking; it’s about embracing a whole new healthier life, so why not make the journey that much easier by making some great new friends along the way?  Inspired?  Why not take the leap and start vaping today. It might just change your life for the better.

Article by Arran Garside who often writes for Prestige Vaping.