In any profession, interviews require for you to present yourself in a professional light and display your knowledge, experience and skills. However, some positions require a high level of reliability and confidence and no profession demands this more than the finance sector. Because of the intensity of the industry, candidates are required to display a great deal of precision and eloquence and the ability to think quickly to keep things going in this fast paced industry. The interview will be the moment where you can impress the interviewer with how you will go the extra mile and why they should choose you over the other candidates. To help with preparing for an interview, we have compiled a list of tips that might help set you apart from the competition.
The interviewer will most likely ask you what you know about the company, so research what they do and who they are is extremely important. Study their financial statements and news reports as well as their triumphs and any recent struggles. This will prove you have shown a genuine interest in the company. As well as knowing the company, you should know the position in-depth. Know what the behaviours and traits the management are looking for, the key points in the description will give you a framework for any questions that they will ask. While they are not looking for perfect answers, you should use your past experience relevant for the position and bring up examples fitting the job description.
Brush up on financial knowledge
Ensure that you have kept yourself up to date with knowledge of the industry as some interviewers will ask you questions based around relating to investing calculations, accounting terminology or anything relating to the general industry. Doing so will present you as an individual who is prepared and ready to present knowledge at any moment as well as the drive to constantly learn about the industry.
Confidence is important
The interviewer will often ask complex questions or brain teasers. The main thing to remember with this is, they are not trying to catch you out. They want to gauge your ability to think on your feet, to be able to handle stress in a professional manner. So in most cases, there are no correct answers. Try and remain calm, take a few minutes to think about the answer as a confident reply will outline your through process and show how professional you are when it comes to answering a difficult question.
Provide a portfolio
Interviews are an excellent way to showcase your skills and work for the interviewer and it is important to have the evidence to back it up. Attend the interview with a portfolio that includes copies of your resume, references and any documents that are required. The portfolio should also include any evidence of work that you have done previously.
As mentioned previously, confidence is vital when preparing for the interview, as well as preparation with regards to the company, job description and industry knowledge. Recruitment agencies can help introduce you to companies that fit your specific skills, so in that respect, it is easy to understand what is required of you in the job description. They can also provide advice on how to prepare for the interview, what documents are required and how to approach the questions that may be asked. Finally, with all interviews, you should follow up the interview with a thank you email and briefly reiterate your interest in the position.
Harry Price is a free-lance writer and experienced personal trainer. He enjoys spending time with his family and watching football.