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Must Have Accessories For Every Girl

The fall is almost here, so every girl should check out her wardrobe to see if she has all the essential things for this season. Temperatures are going down, therefore clothes need to get thicker and warmer. Nobody goes shopping each time the season changes, we all have in our wardrobe a few basic items we can use for several years at least.


Every girl needs a good pair of boots, as they are the perfect accessory for many outfits. They can look very stylish with a dress, but skinny jeans or leggings can also be a good choice. Moreover, boots and denim skirts are good friends. A pair of boots will keep your feet warm and make you look stylish ans cool.

Black Dress

The black dress will save you in a lot of occasions when you won’t know what to wear. It is perfect for cocktail parties, evenings out with friends, theater, movie or a fancy romantic dinner. You can wear your black dress at a business meeting as well. By using different accessories, you can turn it into an outfit suitable for a wide array of events.

Black Blazer

If you have a smart casual black blazer, you can match it with both business and casual outfits, so you are going to be safe for the cool nights of the fall. It works perfect for business presentations but also for casual meetings with your friends. You can pair it with a skirt or a dress. It can look great with a buttoned shirt underneath, but also with a casual top and a pair of jeans.

Purses and Handbags

You need at least two or three handbags and purses. That’s because you cannot go to a cocktail party wearing an oversized bag. A clutch would be much more appropriate for such events. However, for going to the office or for meeting your friends for shopping, you may want a bit more room in your handbag, therefore a clutch won’t be a good fit. Moreover, if you go out during the day, when it’s warm outside, you may want to have a big handbag so that you can carry a warmer jacket for the evening.


Scarves are both stylish and useful. They can make awesome accessories for every outfit, allowing you to change your look by simply changing the scarf you wear or the way you are wearing it. You can make some really interesting combinations between your blazers and your scarves, so you should definitely add this item in your wardrobe in case you don’t have it yet. A scarf can protect you from cold in winter, but if you choose a lighter one, you can use it during the hot seasons to protect you against the sun.

If you don’t know how to combine all these accessories, the best you could do is to grab a few fashion magazines, browse them and learn from the pros how to create interesting ans stylish outfits that allow you to be in the center of attention and make people believe you are always very well dressed. It’s not very hard and not very expensive either. All you need is some basic gear to rely on.

Carl is community manager at Nuchic fashion and lifestyle website