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Making The Right Impression With Your Mudroom

First impressions are important – that much can’t be denied.  Whether it’s business or social, the first time you meet someone you are making a number of observations about that person and forming an understanding and perception of that person based on a number of visual cues before they ever speak. Those first few moments are critical! That’s why we spend so much time on our appearance, after all, along with the handshake, the smile, and eye contact being so important.

Given all of this information about how we form impressions, it is no surprise that we also form impressions about homes and homeowners. Specifically, your home gives an initial impression the moment someone sets foot inside. Are you sending the right message?

What Does This Have to Do With Your Home?

When you initially set foot in a home, you are either in the foyer, or the mudroom. A foyer is basically just a regular, normal entryway, and generally offers little except a coat rack. A mudroom, on the other hand, is more utilitarian and in its design is more prepared for the various purposes it must serve. Specifically, you can leave dirty shoes in the mudroom, or at least use the mudroom to clean one’s shoes off before entering the rest of the home.

Furthermore, a larger coat closet can be used to store coats and sweaters for use outside when leaving, and for storage when entering. Furthermore, a utility closet in the mudroom can be used to store a shovel, salts, and other tools that may be needed should snow or other inclement weather be a problem outside.

The Ideal Mudroom

A mudroom is more than just a transitional point, however. As previously mentioned it is the first impression a person is getting when they enter your home. As such, what kind of message are you sending? Specifically, a mudroom should have the right kind of walls and floors to prevent dirt and grime and water form doing damage to the mudroom; linoleum or tile, for example, is a great surface for the mudroom. However, you want high quality materials lest you send the wrong message about your home.

Other things you should make sure to include in your mudroom include (but is certainly not limited to!):

1.  Seating

A comfortable bench or chairs are important. Whether you’re putting on or taking off your shoes or boots, you shouldn’t have to squat or sit on the floor to do so. Seating in a mudroom is important, both in terms of comfort and utility.

2.  Spacious Closets

Closet space is another important part of a good mudroom. Your closet stores your guests coats (along with your own), which means that you should always have plenty of room to accommodate them. When you’re having a party or a family gathering, people shouldn’t have to toss their coats (which are potentially wet or have other detritus on them) onto the bed or a couch, which creates its own problems. A nice, spacious closet solves this problem.

3.  A Spacious Mudroom

Your mudroom should also just have enough room for a number of people to enter and be comfortable. You shouldn’t keep guests waiting on your doorstep as others enter the mudroom and remove their coats and shoes there. By providing a mudroom that everyone can comfortably enter into and transition from, you maintain an expedient, efficient space!

If you follow these tips, you will ensure that everyone who enters your home gets the right impression about you and your family!

+Ken Uhrich likes houses. In fact he lives in one. He gives home building and home improvement tips on the Custom Home Group website.