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Home Buying Tips For 2014

Buying a new home is a way to make an investment for the future while providing a home for yourself and family. Staying savvy when it comes to looking for a home that is right for your future can be done with a few tips that can be implemented prior to, during and even after the selling process is complete. The more you know about purchasing a home that is appealing to you, the less likely you are to run into potential issues once the purchase process is complete.

Do Your Research

Any time you are thinking of investing in the housing market, it is important to conduct research regarding the properties you are interested in and the neighborhoods surrounding any location you plan to relocate. It is also essential to check housing prices as well as the cost of living if you choose to move out of state or even to a larger city than where you currently reside.

Check Credit Scores Before Applying for a Mortgage Loan

Checking your credit scores is another important factor to consider before entering the house-buying market yourself. It is possible to receive one free credit report per year per individual in the US, which can be requested at any time online without the use of a credit service. Credit scores that fall at 620 or below may be declined for any type of loan; 720 scores may experience difficulty getting conventional loans or loans without skyrocketed interest rates.

Understanding Your Limit

Prior to comparing the new homes and properties you are interested in, it is important to assess your current spending limit for a down payment and mortgage you will be required to pay for the loan you are seeking. Reviewing your household’s current income, expenses as well as any debts you may currently owe is a way to gauge the price range that is right for you to begin looking in.

Finding the Right Lender

Even if you have dealt with foreclosure yourself but you want to get back into the buying market, there are a few loan companies for mortgages that only require three years to pass after the foreclosure to apply again. Additionally, there are also nonconforming mortgage lenders available that can help those without credit or with poor credit to find loan officers and companies willing to assist.

Ask About the Home Directly

Whenever you choose to move to a new home, asking about the history of its owners as well as the history of the property itself is essential if you want to know more before moving in. If a murder, suicide or even a drug lab explosion has occurred in your home you may not be informed of this information until after the house is in your name, when it is too late to look for another property.

Have an Inspection Completed Before Finalizing the Purchase

Having a professional inspection completed on the home is also highly advisable to ensure the house you are purchasing does not require severe updates or upgrades prior to moving in. Using an inspection service is a way to feel more comfortable any time you want to purchase a new home.
Having a clear understanding of how to go about buying a home whether it is your first time or if you have purchased hundreds of properties is a way to ensure you are always saving time and getting the best deal possible. Incorporating various home-buying tips the next time you are searching on the market that is right for you allows you to ensure you are saving more while getting a better deal with the property you are interested in altogether.

Tulsa Property Managers is a Tulsa property management company offering professional property and real estate management, consulting and sales services throughout the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.