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Four Most Common Mistakes College Grads Make At Their First Job

Although the loan debt that accompanies most college graduates has students wondering if their major was worth it, in the long run, having a degree, whether it’s from South University online or from attending a physical university, is still as important as ever. Employers seek out the resumes from students with majors and experience related to their company.

Four Most Common Mistakes College Grads Make At Their First JobHowever, while a diploma may get a student into a job, it will not ensure that the student stays employed or will get promoted. Many college graduates, having little experience in the work force, make damaging mistakes that mar their potential success in the eyes of the company.

Here are four common mistakes to avoid making when embarking on that first career:

1. Waiting For Direction

While college professors may have offered students instruction on specifically how and what they were supposed to accomplish, on the job, employers expect their employees to self-motivate. If an employee is stuck, they should have the wherewithal to ask the appropriate problem-solving questions instead of waiting for directions.

Jenny Foss, a career adviser, states, “If you sit around waiting for a supervisor to direct your every move, you’ll not likely establish yourself as a dynamic, confident professional. And that can pigeonhole you near the bottom rung for a along time.”

Many employers have found that while Gen-Y might be educated, they lack the propensity and initiation to perform well on the job. In other words, be proactive and contribute.

2. Acting Like You Deserve More

Many college graduates have a sense of entitlement when beginning their first job as if their achievement of a degree equivocates immediate success. This type of attitude will quickly alienate the employee from their boss and co-workers.

Even if the recent grad has had multiple internships and relative experience, it takes work and respect to attain a higher position, for the company needs to see the employee prove him or herself.

3. Not Being A Team Player

While college is about competing for a solo grade, and a student’s efforts are their own, in the workplace, an employee’s loyalty needs to extend to his or her team.

Executive career coach Meg Montford states, “New grads need to adapt and conform to the company culture into which they have landed. Colleges encourage independent thinking to help youth grow and mature. But at work, one’s contributions are evaluated in the light of the majority and best interests of the company.”

4. Acting Inappropriately

Many recent graduates lack the social skills and graces to effectively perform their job. Many employers have complained that recent college grads communicate ineffectively, spend too much time on their phone, including checking for text messages during meetings, and do not know how to conduct themselves in a business, professional manner.

College antics do not carry over into the career world. Bosses expect maturity and respect out of their employees, and if an employee cannot act appropriately at work, they will likely be soon out of a job.

When it comes to finding that first post-college job, avoid these common errors and above all, be respectful.


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