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Effective Strategies For Increasing Your Customer Base

No matter how many steady customers you have, or how many referrals they bring your way, it is always important to have an eye on increasing your customer base. There is no such thing as too much business. If you have been a bit lax about this lately, no worries, you can easily turn things around. Here are just a few tips for bringing in new, and hopefully, long-term customers through both online and offline methods.

Get Your Business in Publications

One great way to broaden your exposure to potential customers is getting information about your business in print. Articles and press releases are a great way to educate people about your products and services and drum up interest—you can submit them to a variety of publications such as newspapers, business journals, magazines and chamber of commerce publications.

Offer a Free Newsletter

One of the best ways to get new customers is providing useful information for which your average customer is searching. A free newsletter is a great way to accomplish this, whether you offer it online through an email list, or a hardcopy publication sent out to homes.

Keep Your Website Up to Date

If your business has a website, it is crucial you make the most of this powerful marketing tool by keeping content fresh. If you run a blog, make sure it is updated at least weekly. Make your site a resource for all the latest news in your industry. Don’t leave up pages offering time sensitive sales and offers once they have passed—it creates the impression the site is not regularly maintained, and this can turn off a potential customer. Example—your Memorial Day special should not still be showing up at the end of June.  An up to date website will also rank better in search engines, bringing in more organic traffic.

Get Your Business Listed in Various Channels

Make sure your business is listed in various channels, making it easier for people to find you. One of the channels with the most potential is business directories run by marketing companies that can offer you referrals from interested parties who contact them about the products and services you provide, such as this UK business directory. Right off the bat, you are dealing with people who have expressed an interest in what you are selling—talk about a hot lead.

Direct Mail

Direct mail campaigns can be massively effective for increasing your customer based if you abide by two very important things. First, you need to take the time to focus in on your core audience, and figure out exactly who is the most likely person to buy what you are selling. Secondly, you must be willing to be consistent with your mailings over the long-haul. This is not a one-time strategy or something you do sporadically.

This is just a small sampling of effective ways to increase your customer base. No matter what methods you choose, it is important you track your efforts, be consistent and be patient. If you can do those things, you are well on your way to increased prosperity.