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Appetite Suppressant For Weight Loss

Appetite Suppressant For Weight Loss

Benefits of Natural Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressants mostly come as a mixture with natural ingredients such as green tea. But the chemicals in it like the anorectic agents cause fatal pulmonary problems and heart valve damage. So they have been removed from the market. It is always ideal to go for natural appetite suppressants.

We list here below from some of the natural appetite suppressants and their benefits

Almonds are rich in antioxidants. They are also the source of Vitamin E and magnesium. A handful of almond has proved to show fullness in people thus acting as an appetite suppressant.

Coffee taken in a moderate amount in a day acts as an appetite suppressant. It improves metabolism and keeps you fresh and full. Make sure not to add too much of sugar or cream and spoil the effects of coffee.

Ginger stimulates the body and improves digestion. It has been used for centuries for it digestive properties.

Likewise cinnamon, oats, green tea, water, vegetable juice all play the role of a natural appetite suppressant. They are not hard on your stomach and do not cause any side effects.

Including soups before a meal or having soups as a meal could cut down the amount of food intake thus resulting in weight loss.

Eating fat could also help to reduce your appetite. It may sound strange but researches prove that good fat trigger the small intestine to produce oleoylethanolamide a chemical which sends a hunger- curbing message to the brain. Sources like nuts, extra virgin olive oil, avocados contain good fat which keeps you fuller for a longer period.

Natural Methods for Weight Loss

A walk could also help you to reduce your intake instead of a break for 15 minutes. Food which have a nice aroma like ginger, cinnamon are also helpful because they fill your senses making you feel full even after a small meal.

Scientists from University of Birmingham say if you rely on your memory and recall the food you ate for lunch will help you reduce the amount of sweet s or snacks later in the day. This could be otherwise stated that if a person recalls the calories he has eaten in the day will make him eat less if he is diet conscious.

From we understand that eating a good breakfast also will help you to feel full though out the day. On the other hand one who skips his breakfast tends to eat more sweets in the day.

Traditional methods like eating your food in a dining table will also help to reduce your appetite than gobbling while you are moving around. When we sit and concentrate on the food we will know the amount of food we have eaten and can stop when we are full. But if we eat in between work or while watching tv we will not know the calories gone in.

Setting the mood to eat also plays a role as an appetite suppressant. That’s why restaurant diners feel they enjoyed the food and ate less.

The aim of the author V K Rajagopalan is how to stay slim and healthy with the help of natural appetite suppressants. He tries to stay natural and avoid chemicals to avoid any side effects.